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Sleuths for Truth! (Japanese容疑者(ようぎしゃ)ピカチュウ!?, HepburnYougisha Pikachu!?trans. Pikachu the Suspect?!) is the 19th episode of Pocket Monsters (2019 series), and Pokémon Journeys: The Series of Pokémon Journeys: The Series.


An early morning visit to Cerise Lab by Officer Jenny and Inspector Decker reveals somebody has been stealing massive amounts of electricity from Vermilion City residents. And to make matters worse, Pikachu is the prime suspect! But another theft occurs while Pikachu is in custody, proving its innocence. To help the investigation, Pikachu unleashes a huge amount of electricity inside Professor Cerise’s house, and our heroes wait for the thieves to take the bait… It turns out the culprits are Team Rocket, desperate to feed the insatiable Morpeko! But an attack from Pikachu sends them blasting off again, the case is solved, and Pikachu earns a commendation for its service.[1]

Episode plot[]

At Cerise Laboratory, Ash and Goh suddenly hear the doorbell ring at the front door, to which they meet Officer Jenny asking if Professor Cerise is present. Professor Cerise greets Officer Jenny as she informs him of an ongoing investigation for theft currently happening in Vermilion City. Jenny introduces the boys to Detective Decker which tells them that an Electric-type Pokémon located in the park has been responsible for a series of electricity thefts and that they would like to investigate the Pokémon based on a witness sketch.

In the park, Detective Decker lines up the Electric Pokémon, looking across the lined up Pokémon as he uses the witness sketch as reference. Decker eventually comes across Pikachu and compares it to the witness sketch, which looks nearly identical to the Mouse Pokémon. Decker instantly suspects Pikachu and puts him in handcuffs, much to Ash and Goh's surprise. Decker reads Pikachu his rights as Ash barges in, doubting Pikachu was the reason for the case. Decker tells him that he can have a trial while Officer Jenny explains that the case started with reports of electricity theft from around the town. Jenny was able to collect eyewitness testimonies before one victim was able to briefly spot the thieving Pokémon, giving a rough sketch that looked strikingly similar to Pikachu. Goh doubts it was Ash's Pikachu responsible for the theft as it could have easily been another Pikachu, though Decker retorts with saying all of the Pikachu they found had an alibi. Officer Jenny helps the two boys by stating there could be many other possibilities that it wasn't Ash's Pikachu, though Decker continues on with the case and takes Ash's Pikachu to the police station.

Detective Decker takes Pikachu into an interrogation room, shining a lamp into Pikachu's face as it hesitates to answer him. Decker bribes Pikachu with a tray of Pokémon food. He continues to attempt to get Pikachu to confess to the electricity thefts, though Pikachu obliviously continues to eat the food given to him, angering Decker. Ash, Goh and Officer Jenny are watching from the other side of a one-way mirror as Ash grows upset at Decker accusing Pikachu of the crimes. Officer Jenny admits that she does not believe Pikachu is the culprit, though the investigation has nothing to go off of other than the given witness sketch that highly resembled Pikachu. The lights in the police station quickly flicker, alerting Pikachu and the others that the electricity thief is currently committing the crimes. Pikachu rushes out of the police station as everyone follows, showing up to a house. A distressed man exits the house, telling Jenny that he was unable to use his computer or refrigerator due to his electricity being stolen all of a sudden. This gladly surprises Ash and Goh as the current theft confirms that Ash's Pikachu wasn't the culprit.

The group returns to the police station with Detective Decker disappointed that the thief got away before they could arrive on the scene. Officer Jenny quickly realizes that Pikachu would make a good addition to the team as it was able to sense when the electricity thefts were happening. This excites Ash and Goh, meaning they will be able to help further with the investigation. Jenny, Ash and Goh head out to patrol a town for the thief before a little boy runs up to them, reporting a lost Vulpix. The three are prepared for the case, going out to a field filled with Vulpix. They are unable to find the missing Fox Pokémon before they spot Pikachu and Grookey chasing a Vulpix with a special tail. They return the Vulpix to the little boy, making him happy. The group instantly receives another report of a Snorlax blocking an intersection, leaving them to attempt moving the heavy Pokémon. The group also spots a rowdy couple speeding by on a Dodrio, leaving Ash and Goh attempting to hold the Dodrio as Officer Jenny scolds the two Trainers. Ash and Goh are seen doing other tasks around the town, realizing that being a police officer was much more tiring than they expected. While the boys are resting, Pikachu suddenly senses that the electricity thief is currently stealing electricity as a woman shrieks in the distance, so the group rushes over to investigate. They find that the thief was early as the victim was unable to see the Pokémon. As the group walks away, Goh hatches a plan to place Pikachu at a house that uses a lot of electricity in order to catch the next thief. Ash and Jenny agree with the idea, though they wonder who's house they will use.

The group arrives at the Cerise household to use it as the electricity thief's next victim with Chloe disappointingly questioning Ash and Goh for their decision. Chloe agrees that they can use the house, delighting the group. Pikachu heads over to the house's electricity source and uses Thunderbolt, causing electricity to fly around the house as all of the electrical appliances instantly power on. Goh begins to question again whether Pikachu was the true culprit, though Ash brings up other possible Pokémon that could have committed the crime. A mysterious van pulls up in front of the Cerise household, filled with a starved-looking Team Rocket. The group spy out the house, seeing the electricity sparkling through in hopes they will be able to steal the electricity and give it to Morpeko so it will stop eating their food supply. Meowth uses a device to sap electricity from the house and into a battery before they realize Morpeko is gone. Inside of the Cerise household, Yamper and Eevee find the Morpeko munching on bread before Ash and Goh chase it outside. Team Rocket confronts Morpeko as Officer Jenny and the boys find Team Rocket. Officer Jenny puts Jessie in handcuffs, though Meowth quickly uses Scratch to break the chains and Team Rocket makes off with the electricity.

The group initiates a car chase with Team Rocket while Officer Jenny calls for backup. Meowth uses the device atop Team Rocket's van to try and zap the chasing police car while Officer Jenny commands Growlithe to use Swift, successfully hitting Team Rocket's vehicle. The van begins to swerve as it hits a stack of wooden boards, causing them to collapse and block the police car. Team Rocket successfully gets away with the stolen electricity and stores it into a large bottle, offering it to Morpeko. When Morpeko refuses, Team Rocket is shocked and quickly learns from their Rotom Phone that Morpeko is only replenished by food. The police car quickly drives in as Team Rocket accepts their fate. Meowth kicks over the bottle they offered Morpeko as it shoots electricity onto Pikachu, causing him to become supercharged as he uses a strong Thunderbolt attack, leaving Team Rocket blasting off again.

At Cerise Park, Detective Decker gives Pikachu a certificate for his excellent work in the case, originally assumed to be a criminal while becoming a big help in the investigation on the same day. Officer Jenny also thanks Pikachu by offering it a special bowl of Pokémon food. Jenny also salutes Ash and Goh for their excellent help as well in the case. Decker holds Pikachu's hands, thanking him for his help once again as Pikachu, still supercharged from the electricity, delivers a great shock to Decker, making everyone laugh.


  • Who's That Pokémon?: Growlithe
  • A unique variant of a Kantonian Vulpix appears in this episode, this one having a heart design on its tail.
  • One, Two, Three can be heard when Ash and Goh were aiding Officer Jenny.
  • This episode marks the first time Morpeko blasts off alongside Team Rocket.
  • Detective Decker offering to appoint Pikachu as his detective partner may be a reference to the Detective Pikachu game and/or movie.


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  1. ^ (n.d.) . "Sleuths for Truth! | Pokémon TV (pokemon.com)". From The Official Pokémon Website | Pokemon.com. Archived from the original on February 13, 2024.