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Searching for Service with a Smile! (Japanese: おまかせ!プラスルマイナン便利屋(べんりや)さん!!, HepburnMarutto Omakase! Prasle Minun Benriya-san!!trans. Leave It to Us! Plusle-Minun Handymen!!) is the 13th episode of Pocket Monsters (2019 series), and Pokémon Journeys: The Series of Pokémon Journeys: The Series.


A pair of broken water faucets at Cerise Lab prompts Professor Cerise to call Plusle and Minun All Service for help. Two workers, Devi and Multa, arrive. And they’re not simply plumbers—they fix all sorts of things and even care for Pokémon, too! But when Devi takes a hard fall, Multa has to temporarily take over the business, setting her in a panic. Of course, Ash and Goh want to help her out! Call after call comes in for their expertise, and even Team Rocket helps out in the end. Along the way, Multa gains confidence, and both Plusle and Minun end up cheering her on![1]

Episode plot[]

At Cerise Laboratory, Ash and Goh are holding the pipe lines of the sink as they're leaking. Professor Cerise comes in to apologize to Ash and Goh for not warning them about the broken pipes. However, Professor Cerise did call the handymen for help with fixing the pipes. After the handymen Devi and Multa arrived, they tells the boys that they'll have the pipes fixed in no time. Ash and Goh notice that they have a Plusle and Minun with them. The handymen tell Ash and Goh that the two Cheerleading Pokémon are their mascot. Through Plusle and Minun's help, the handyman and women were able to get the job done. However, Divi accidentally gets hurt when he is running down the stairs before Multa lands on top of him.

At the hospital, Multa apologizes for hurting Divi as he tells her to not worry and he's just glad that she wasn't hurt. Divi also tells her that she's going to have to do the work by herself for a while Multa often gets overwhelmed when doing work by herself but Divi reminds her that she'll have Plusle and Minun with her. However, Minun is now upset with Multa due to it having a connection with Divi. Suddenly, the phone rings and Minun answers it for Divi, learning that more work is needed elsewhere. Ash and Goh offer to help Multa responsibly, which she and Divi greatly appreciate.

After arriving at their destination, Ash, Goh and Multa start grooming a heard of Tauros. Plusle is cheering everyone on while Minun is still upset that the Divi wasn't there to help. Once they got the job done, Multa receives a call for their next destination. A man tells the three that he lost his Tauros in a cave, prompting the group to start searching. After finding the Tauros, Plusle, Pikachu, Grookey and their Trainers cheered Tauros on as it got back up. However, Tauros becomes spooked when Grookey leaps on top of its head, causing everyone to run out of the cave. Things grow calm when Tauros is reunited with its Trainer.

Multa apologizes to Ash and Goh for panicking, wondering why she always does. Ash, Goh and Plusle encourage her to take deep breaths so she wouldn't feel nervous. Multa tells Minun that she'll do better during their next job and to watch herself as well. Meanwhile, Team Rocket sees the man that Ash, Goh and Multa helped earlier with his Tauros. Seeing the large amount of Tauros, Jessie decides that she wants to steal them all and return them to Giovanni. James asks her how she is going to do it, leaving Jessie to wonder the same thing. However, while getting a drink from a water fountain, Jessie gets splattered with water. Meowth notices the handyman truck and goes over to ask Multa for help, but she begins to panic again. Ash and Goh return to Multa's side as Meowth turns away so they would't recognize him. Multa explains the situation to the boys in that they must fix the broken water fountain.

After Multa gets a hold of herself, she tells Ash and Goh to get her tool box in order to fix the water fountain. The handywomen thanks Ash and Goh for their help but they tell her that she did most of the work in fixing it. Due to another call not being received for a while, Ash, Goh and Multa decide to get something to eat while they wait with Multa handing a flyer to Team Rocket before leaving. Seeing the flyer, Team Rocket hatch an idea to start a fake plumbing business in order to catch the Tauros they saw earlier. After returning to the man, Ash, Goh and Multa are told that someone else took his Tauros. Team Rocket happily walk along with their new cart as they successfully stole the man's Tauros through their handymen disguise.

However, Team Rocket is confronted by Ash, Goh and Multa as they ask them some questions about the Pokémon they're supposed to be taking care of. Ash notices that the handymen in front of them looks familiar as they tried to hide their cover so they wouldn't be exposed. Despite their attempts to fool them, Ash is still feeling suspicious about the handymen in front of them and Goh asks them for their identity. Seeing that their identity is about to be revealed, Team Rocket removes their disguises then recite their motto. However, during their escape attempt, Meowth accidentally falls out of the cart and into a hole, accidentally releasing one of the Tauros from a Poké Ball and crushing him.

Needing to help Meowth and the Tauros, Ash, Goh and Multa head over to help them get out of the hole. Goh asks Multa for a rope or anything to help Meowth and the Tauros. Although she panics at first, Multa takes a deep breath and gets a hold of herself, which surprises Minun. She tells Ash and Goh that there is a hook in the van that they can use to grab one of the steel pipes along with some sandbags. After setting everything up, Ash offers to go down the hole to rope the Tauros, but Multa tells him that she'll do it and she can't put him or Goh in danger, stating that Divi would do the same if he were here, surprising Devi's Minun even more. Multa asks one of the members of Team Rocket to crank the rope upward, to which James accepts to help. Through their teamwork, the Tauros were brought back up and taken to safety.

However, the van's battery power was about to run out, causing the rope with the last Tauros to fall with Meowth and Multa still down there. Seeing Multa in trouble, Minun helps Plusle cheer her and everyone on as they were able to bring everyone back up to safety. After noticing that they're too heavy for everyone to pull up, Plusle and Minun go to recharge the battery on the van. It isn't enough electricity to power the van, however, Ash orders Pikachu use Thunderbolt on the Cheerleading Pokémon, giving them more electric power and helping them recharge the van and get everyone up from the hole. Once everyone is safe, Multa tells Minun that she heard it cheering as she thanks it and Plusle for their help.

Jessie and James are happy that Meowth is safe, although Ash and Goh are disappointed that they tried to steal the Tauros. Team Rocket decides to leave out of respect for Multa and Meowth thanks her for saving him. However, the Tauros still send Team Rocket blasting off with a strong kick for stealing and putting them in danger. After returning to the hospital, Divi is pleased to hear that everything went well as Multa owes everything to Ash, Goh, Plusle and Minun for their efforts.



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  1. ^ (n.d.) . "Searching for Service with a Smile! | Pokémon TV (pokemon.com)". From The Official Pokémon Website | Pokemon.com. Archived from the original on February 13, 2024.