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The Tale of You and Glimwood Tangle! (Japanese(きみ)とルミナスメイズの(もり)物語(ものがたり)HepburnKimi to Luminous Maze no Mori no Monogataritrans. Tale of You and Me in Glimwood Tangle) is the 7th episode of Pocket Monsters (2019 series), and Pokémon Journeys: The Series of Pokémon Journeys: The Series.


After Chloe reads a book about the Galarian forms of Ponyta and Rapidash, Professor Cerise suggests she, Ash, and Goh travel to Glimwood Tangle and see them firsthand. There, Chloe discovers that a vision she had while reading the book was real: Rapidash has been wounded, and Ponyta is worried! But Chloe also read about a type of flower nectar with healing powers, so she sets off to find some. En route, she meets a trio of playful Impidimp who eventually help her obtain the nectar, and she takes it back to Rapidash. Rapidash is restored to full health, and Chloe and Eevee get to ride Rapidash and Ponyta, too![1]

Episode plot[]

Chloe greets Yamper as she has just returned from school then brings her Eevee out to play with him. Hearing that his daughter is back, Professor Cerise greets her then tells her that it's gonna be a while before he finishes work. Chloe decides to read a book in Professor Cerise's room then goes to look for a book. However, Chloe and Eevee discover that a book fell as it lands on a certain page then notices two Pokémon in it. They see those very same Pokémon in a vision as one is looking over the other as it's injured. After seeing the vision, Chloe looks at the title of the book as its says, The Tale of You and Me in Glimwood Tangle.

Chloe shows Professor Cerise her discovery with Ash and Goh listing as she shows her dad the two Pokémon. Seeing this, Professor Cerise tells Chloe that those Pokémon are a Galarian Ponyta and Rapidash, which confuses her because they're not like the ones she remembers seeing. Ren shows Chloe the Ponyta and Rapidash she's seen are from Kanto. Goh is amazed that Ponyta and Rapidash have a Regional form in Galar. Professor Cerise notices that its rare for Chloe to ask about Pokémon then she tells him that she was just curious. Chloe would like to see a Galarian Ponyta and Rapidash with Ash and Goh agreeing with her as they too want to see them. Hearing their interest, Professor Cerise suggest that Ash, Chloe and Goh go to Galar in order to see them in person.

After arriving in Glimwood Tangle, Ash, Chloe and Goh start looking around for the two Galarian Pokémon. Chloe hurries ahead then the boys but Eevee bumps into a mushroom, making it light up. While Eevee and Pikachu are playing with the mushrooms, Chloe explains to Ash and Goh that the two Galarian Pokémon live deep in the forest as they changed forms from absorbing a mysterious energy from it. However, they discover a wild Morelull as Goh goes to catch it with Ash not too far behind him. Eevee senses something and gets Chloe attention and they noticed the Galarian Ponyta and follow it. Meanwhile, Goh brings out his Cinderace to help him catch Morelull and succeededs. However, Goh and Ash realized that they got separated from Chloe.

Chloe and Eevee continue following Ponyta as it leads them to an injured Galarian Rapidash. Seeing this, Chloe remembers this from a vision she had before then realized that Ponyta is asking her for help. Ponyta tries to use Heal Pulse to help Rapidash but fails. Realizing that Rapidash is really hurt, Chloe theorizes that it got injured from slipping and falling into the ravine. Chloe looks in the book that she brought and shows Ponyta that they can heal Rapidash through a rainbow flower. Wanting to help Rapidash, Chloe offers to go get the rainbow flower but Ponyta decides to join her and Eevee as a guide. Before leaving, Chloe tells Rapidash to hold on and she'll be back then she, Eevee and Ponyta left.

Meanwhile, Ash and Goh are searching for Chloe but realized that she'll be ok because she has Eevee with her. Also, Goh tells Ash that Chloe has great courage, which surprises him. However, it starts to rain but Goh tells Ash that they should't worry because the rain is light here then see something brighter. Seeing that the brighter area was a town, Ash and Goh dry off then hope Chloe is here as well. They were approached by an old woman who tells them that they lack the colour pink, which startles them. Ash tells the old woman that they are waiting for a friend while Goh asks her if she seen a girl with a Eevee around. The woman tells the boys that if they answer her questions correctly then she'll tell them. After they both get two questions wrong, the old woman tells Ash and Goh that they lack pink in their hearts then gives them some to wear.

After the rains stop, Chloe, Eevee and Ponyta continue their search for the rainbow flower as they climb up a ravine. Chloe decides to take a break and gives Eevee some water, while Ponyta uses Heal Pulse on an injury that she got from climbing. Seeing that her Trainer also has one, Eevee uses Copycat to copy Ponyta's Heal Pulse so she can heal Chloe's injury. After finding the rainbow flower, Chloe, Eevee and Ponyta encounter a group of wild Impidimp then discover that they stole her stuff. Eevee attempts to get Chloe's things back from the Impidimp but they keep playing with her then got her Trainer to chase them and fall into a hole. After getting out, Chloe asks the group of Impidimp for help in getting the rainbow flower but they just squirt her, Eevee and Ponyta with water.

Eevee tries again to get Chloe's stuff back from the Impidimp but they just kept messing with her. However, Eevee imitates the Impidimp as she follows them then plays with them. Seeing them playing with each other, Chloe deduces that the Impidimp just want someone to play with them. When she and Ponyta get hit by berries, they join them and they all have a good time. After getting cleaned up, Chloe, Eevee and Ponyta see that the Impidimp put the dew from the rainbow flower into her canister then gave it and her backpack back to her as they leave. The group head back to Rapidash. Once they return, Chloe gives it the dew from the rainbow flower, but it isn't enough to heal it, but after Pontya and Eevee use their combined Heal Pulses, they successfully heal it. Through their gratitude for their help, the two Galarian Pokémon offer Chloe and Eevee a ride out of the forest.

Meanwhile, Ash and Goh are worn out from all the old lady's questions along with being covered in pink outfits and apologize to their partners for putting them through all that. The old lady gives the boys one last question as she points to Chloe and Eevee with the two Galarian Pokémon. She reveals that the correct answer was to wait rather than move blindly and comments that Chloe is a fine lass as she notices that the two Galarian Pokémon don't normally let anyone ride them. Chloe thanks Ponyta and Rapidash for getting her to the town as Ash and Goh approach her but the two Galarian form Pokémon leave before they can officially meet them. Despite it, Chloe is just happy that Ash and Goh are alright, and the boys are amazed that she befriended them. Chloe too is happy that she befriended Ponyta and Rapidash and hopes to see them again one day.

After retuning to Kanto, Chloe and Eevee have fallen asleep while reading a book, then they wake up when they realized that they passed out. Chloe gets a knock on the door from Ash and Goh as they tell her that Professor Cerise is finished with his work so they can head for home. However, little did Chloe know, the book now shows a picture of the two Galarian form Pokémon with a girl that looks just like her and an Eevee.






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  1. ^ (n.d.) . "The Tale of You and Glimwood Tangle! | Pokémon TV (pokemon.com)". From The Official Pokémon Website | Pokemon.com. Archived from the original on February 13, 2024.