Goodbye, Friend! (Japanese: さよなら、ラビフット!, Hepburn: Sayonara, Rabbifuto!, trans. Farewell, Rabbifuto!) is the 22nd episode of Pocket Monsters (2019 series), and Pokémon Journeys: The Series of Pokémon Journeys: The Series.
Our heroes are in Hoenn to research the migration of Beautifly—the window of time to do this is small, so when a north wind appears, Ash and Goh must be ready!
Meanwhile, Raboot has been sneaking away at night, and Goh is frustrated with its attitude. Looking for answers, Goh and Ash follow Raboot…and they discover that it’s been helping the local Pokémon secure their home by way of a dance battle! Goh decides Raboot will be happier without him, but just as he’s about to leave, he panics. Right on time, though, Raboot appears—and although it’s still a bit aloof, Goh is happy to be reunited![1]
Episode plot[]
Upon arriving in Hoenn, Ash and Goh go to Nurse Joy, as she explains about the Beautifly migration may happen where the wind blows north. Hearing this, Goh decides to catch another Wurmple in hopes that it would evolve into a Silcoon. The boys figure they will find a Beautifly near their favorite food, sweet flower pollen. While searching for the Beautifly migration, they come across a Zigzagoon lying on the ground. Raboot prevents another Zigzagoon from stealing Ash's food. Unable to find any Beautifies, the boys retreat to their hotel. Before going to bed, Goh realizes he should catch a Silcoon instead, after his failed attempt to catch another Wurmple. Once the boys fall asleep, Raboot sneaks out and returns in the morning.
The next day, they successfully find a hoard of Silcoon, but Goh failed to catch one of the Cocoon Pokémon. However, seeing Raboot with a bag full of apples, Goh asked his partner for one but it told it no. Finally had enough of his partner behavior, Goh tells Raboot how he feel with its attitude, but it just ignored him, much to his shock. At night, Raboot sneaks out again and Goh see this then tries to follow it but failed. When the sun rises again, they boys are out to the Silcoon grove where they evolve into Beauitfly and fly away.
That night, Goh informs Ash and Pikachu about Raboot sneaking out at night during their stay in Hoenn. Ash tells Goh that he should't told him sooner as they observed where Raboot is going at night. They find out Raboot is giving the pair of Zigzagoon and Lombre dance lessons to defend their territory. Seeing a group Loudred arrived, The boys realized that their challenge Raboot and its group of friends to a dance battle. Wanting to help, the boys and Pikachu helped provide a beat of music for the Pokémon to dance to. Through Goh, Ash and Pikachu's help, Raboot wins a dance battle and later falls asleep with the other Pokémon.
Seeing how happy Raboot was with the other Pokémon, Goh decides that it's much happier without him and prepares to leave it behind. However, when Ash asked him if he told Raboot about his plan, Goh realizes that he is abandoning his partner. Luckily, Raboot boards the train and rejoins Goh, who was crying. They happily share apples together, as Goh watches Raboot eat the apple, he sees Raboot smile, calling Raboot out, making Raboot blush with nervous-ness. Goh hugs Raboot saying he'll never let him go as the passages nearby watch Goh hug Raboot while Raboot tries to get out of the hug, on top of that Ash pops in seeing Goh is happy to be with Raboot again, then Goh takes a selfie with Raboot, as Ash and Pikachu watch because there pleased that the two of them are planning to stay together as a team.
- "Who's That Pokémon?:" Beautifly
- This is the final completed episode to air before the show's time-limited hiatus due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, before the show to re-air episodes 1 through 6, and the resulting state of emergency declaration from Shinzo Abe three days before this episode's broadcast.
- This is the second episode where the main character originally wants to release their Pokémon, but the Pokémon already decides to stay with their trainer.
- Goh's poor understanding of others comes in again, with his inability to understand Raboot's intentions. Despite it being clear Raboot is only trying to help the Pokémon settle their differences, Goh mistakes the intent as Raboot wishing to leave.
- As of this episode and so forth, Raboot gets along with Goh and plays with the other Pokémon.
- ^ (n.d.) . "Goodbye, Friend! | Pokémon TV (". From The Official Pokémon Website | Archived from the original on February 12, 2024.