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Working My Way Back to Mew! (Japanese: ポケモン大量(たいりょう)ゲットだぜ!ミュウへの(みち)!!, HepburnPocket Monsters Tairyou Get da ze! Mew e no Michi!trans. Catching a Lot of Pokémon! The Road to Mew!) is the 6th episode of Pocket Monsters (2019 series), and Pokémon Journeys: The Series of Pokémon Journeys: The Series.


After catching Scorbunny and learning about his Pokédex, Goh is determined to catch lots more Pokémon! But it's slow going at first when Scorbunny becomes overly excited, causing Pokémon after Pokémon to flee the commotion. Goh's luck changes when he focuses on Bug-type Pokémon that live in Kanto, and he catches a Caterpie, Metapod, and Venomoth, followed by a Paras, Parasect, and Butterfree. After several more catches, he has just two Bug-type Pokémon to go: Venonat and Scyther. Goh and Scorbunny battle it out with both, and they succeed! Along with Ash and Pikachu, they return to the Cerise Laboratory, where all of Goh's new Pokémon settle right in![1]

Episode plot[]

Goh shows Professor Cerise the problem with his screen on his Rotom Phone. Cerise explains that it is a Pokédex that has two functions: describe a Pokémon's typing and characteristics or lists the Pokémon a Trainer has caught. Cerise states that the list will fill up as he catches more Pokémon and records their data. This surprises Ash and Goh, the latter deciding to catch loads of Pokémon to fill out the Pokédex, Ash suggests that they should start doing it right away. Goh agrees, and they head out to Viridian Forest.

PM('19)006 Illustration

An illustration of the plot.

The boys arrive in Viridian Forest where they begin to catch Pokémon for Goh's Pokédex. Goh brought many Poké Balls to be able to catch all the Pokémon that he can find in the forest. Goh asks Scorbunny to help him find Pokémon. Ash's Pikachu heard one nearby. The boys find a Pidgey. Goh attempts to catch it straight away, but miss with the throw. The wild Pidgey used Gust which blew them away. Ash warns Goh that sometimes, one can't catch a Pokémon without a fight and that they can even fight back. Scorbunny heard a Pidgeotto nearby and rushes to it but it already flew away when it heard Scorbunny running. Goh warns Scorbunny that Pokémon will run away if they're too loud and also tells Scorbunny to stay calm.

A Diglett appears as Goh attempts to catch it, but Scorbunny rushes to it, ignoring Goh's commands. Because of this, the Diglett ran away. Suddenly a Dugtrio emerges from the ground and carries Goh off with Scorbunny, Ash and Pikachu following them. Ash tells Goh to jump off but he rather attempts to catch it, only for the Pokémon to escape.

Goh reminds Scorbunny again, that he should stay calm, which embarrasses Scorbunny. The boys then continue to search for Pokémon and spot a Caterpie. Scorbunny attempts to rush it, but luckily Goh stopped it and they've slowly approached the Pokémon. Thanks to this, he successfully catches Caterpie and added it to his Pokédex. Goh praise Scorbunny for its help, as they start searching for more Pokémon, starting with Caterpie's evolutionary line.

The boys begin to look for Metapod, which they had trouble with their search. However, they hear something from the trees. They attempt to make it fall, by kicking the tree, only for Goh to get hit by a branch. Scorbunny and Pikachu decide to help their trainers out, where they successfully knock Metapod down from the tree. However, Ash was crushed by the Pokémon, knocking him on the ground, but Goh was able to catch the Metapod. The boys continue their search. Goh has successfully caught a Venomoth, Paras, and Parasect and pursue catching a Butterfree next. They quickly spot it flying onto the top of a tree. Ash helps Goh climb up. While Goh was climbing up, he heard something from the bushes and head over to investigate it. Goh attempts to catch the Butterfree but he drops his Poké Ball that the Butterfree noticed and tried to escape. Luckily, Scorbunny kicked the Poké Ball in the direction of the Butterfree and it was able to be caught properly, which completed Caterpie's evolutionary line as Goh and Scorbunny high fived for his accomplishment.

Ash and Pikachu checked the bushes, where they found a Pinsir that attacked them. Ash orders Pikachu to attack with Quick Attack, he manages to land a hit on Pinsir but then they got quickly trapped by its Rock Tomb. Pinsir then attacks Goh and Scorbunny, only to be caught by accident while Goh tried to defend himself from it by throwing rocks at it.

The boys are having fun during search catching Pokémon, with Ash wanting to catch some himself. Scorbunny and Pikachu hear something close by and split up to them with their trainers following them. Goh and Scorbunny founds a Scyther and Goh attempt to catch it, but fails and got blown away by its Air Slash. Scyther ran off, but Goh swears that he'll get it later. Goh checks his phone and decides to catch Weedle's evolutionary line.

Scorbunny finds a Weedle, and Goh successfully caught it. Goh and Scorbunny then find a group of Kakuna and Goh catches one of them, meaning he now needs to look for Beedrill. However Goh and Scorbunny are attack by a swarm of Beedrill. Ash and Pikachu were on their search, with the former ask on how Goh's catching is doing. Ash meet up with Goh who is being targeted by the Beedrill, as they boys run away from the swarms. As the Beedrill were catching up, Ash orders Pikachu to use Electroweb which snare the Beedrill in the net while Goh catches one of them.

Goh notify Ash that he almost completes his catches with only having two Pokémon left: Scyther and Venonat. Goh tries to look Venonat in the trees, where found one and tries to capture, but fails. Ash tells Goh he should weaken it through battling, but Goh refuses and attempt a second try. However Scorbunny jumps and help Goh catch it by battle, which Goh accepts it help. Goh tells Scorbunny to use Quick Attack, he manages to land a hit on Venonat but then they got quickly poisoned by its Poison Powder. Scorbunny then uses Double Kick, which weakens Venonat and allow Goh to catch it. Goh was happy that caught the Pokémon, but gets worried after seeing Scorbunny been hurt by its Poison. Ash and Goh heads to the Pokémon Center, where they ask Nurse Joy to heal Goh's Scorbunny. A few minutes later, Norse Joy heals Goh's Pokémon, and Goh summons Scorbunny and apologizes to it for not paying attention to its injuries as he was focused during their mission. Scorbunny forgives its trainer and wants to help him continue his catch.

Ash and Goh went back to catch Scyther, with them having a competition on who catches and split up. Goh and Scorbunny starts their search as they already found Scyther and attempts to catch it again. Unfortunately, Scyther avoid the catch, which leaves Goh to battle with Scorbunny. Goh orders Scorbunny to attack with Quick Attack but Scyther dodges it. Scyther uses Air Slash only for Scorbunny to dodge its attacks as well. Ash and Pikachu who the former was bummed that Goh arrives at it first but cheers his friend on. Goh tells Scorbunny to use Double Kick which Scyther dodges. Ash tells Goh to hit harder, but they don't get what the former means by that. Scyther then hits Scorbunny with Slash. Goh tells Scorbunny to remain calm and to stay focused. Scorbunny charges in and successfully hit Scyther with Quick Attack. With Scyther weakened, Goh attempts his last try, with him successfully caught. Goh was happy he has all Bug-type Pokémon and thanks Scorbunny for its help.

At the Cerise Laboratory, Cerise and Chloe are having breakfast, who questions on Ash and Goh's absence. Suddenly they hear them upstairs and went up to check them. As they enter the room, they were surprised by the Pokémon Goh has caught. Cerise was amazed by the Pokémon they caught and interacts with them, as he would have helped them being his research assistants. Chloe states that the room is not big enough for the Pokémon, which Cerise has a solution for that.

Cerise took Ash and Goh to his park where he assure the boys can store some of the Pokémon they catch in there. As the kids and the Pokémon having fun Chloe admits Goh didn't catch Mew first. Goh states Mew has the genes of all Pokémon and having Mew as his first Pokémon would be very difficult, which is why he plans to catch every single Pokémon so he can one day catch Mew along the way. Goh ask what Ash's goal as the latter states he planning to become a "Pokémon Master". Goh ask if his goal means becoming the world greatest Pokémon trainer, which Ash states that it will be even greater than that. Chloe is confused by Ash's goal but Goh supports to keep pursing his dream as Ash tells Goh to do same with him as well.




  • "Who's That Pokémon?:" Scyther
  • This is the first time the main character catches more than two Pokémon in the same episode since Ash caught his 30 Tauros in "The Legend of Dratini", as well as the first time the main character catches several Pokémon of different species in a single episode.
  • When the Poké Ball hits the Metapod, Goh's Rotom Phone says Nice/Great/Excellent. This acts as a reference to the throw feature in Pokémon Go and Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!
  • TV Tokyo channel 7 began re-airing episode 6 on May 31, 2020, instead of episode 28 due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
  • Poké Balls no longer are limited to six active ones at a time.
  • The episode's English dub title is a play on the song "Working My Way Back to You".


  • In the "Who's That Pokémon?" section, the season logo is missing.

Dub edits[]

  • In the Brazilian Portuguese dub, when Pinsir was about to attack Goh, Goh said something to scare off Pinsir. But in the Japanese and English version, he said nothing but screaming.



  1. ^ (n.d.) . "The Official Pokémon Website | Pokemon.com". From Working My Way Back to Mew! | Pokémon TV (pokemon.com). Archived from the original on December 9, 2023.