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Mission: Find Oinkologne's Partner! (Japanese: パフュートン仲良(なかよ)大作戦(だいさくせん)HepburnPafuton Nakayoshi Daisakusentrans. Perfuton's Operation Friendship) is the 11th episode of Pocket Monsters: Terapagos' Brilliance of Pocket Monsters (2023 series), and the 36th episode of Pokémon Horizons: The Series of Pokémon Horizons: The Series.


During a livestream, a listener asks Nidothing for help, explaining that there's a tag battle tournament coming up, but her partner Oinkologne refuses to team up with anyone. Nidothing then asks Liko, Roy and Friede for help, and it appears the Oinkologne is actually in love.

Episode plot[]

Dot starts off a livestream; during said stream, a listener from Pigton Town asks her for help; she has an Oinkologne and the town is about to host their annual Tag Battle, but her Pokémon refuses to partner with anyone. Dot has an idea on who to help her, and following the livestream's conclusion, she asks Liko to help, much to her surprise. Liko blushes at the thought of doing a favor for her idol, and Roy agrees to go with her. Dot explains that the town they're going to, Pigton Town, is a town full of Trainers who have pig-like Pokémon. Quaxly also accompanies them and Liko takes pictures of the town before the listener from before, Yuno, asks if they were with Nidothing. Yuno recognizes Liko from her collaboration with Iono. Liko is happy to be recognized, though hesitant to answer the question. Yuno then explains that her Pokémon, nicknamed Guru, has issues conveying her feelings. Liko tells her that she has to let Guru know how she feels. Yuno then tells Guru that she wants to enter the tournament, but only if it will not make her sad. Quaxly also reassures Guru. The group then comes across a male Oinkologne, who Yuno recognizes as its Trainer being Renta, a childhood friend who annoys her. Guru is revealed to have a crush on the Oinkologne, and Yuno asks Renta if he would like to team up with her in the upcoming tournament. Renta is amused and has his Oinkologne, Prince, release a sweet scent from his tail, attracting female Pokémon to it, including Sprigatito, much to Liko's panic as she shakes the infatuation off her Pokémon. Guru runs away in tears; at the fountain, Dot suggests that they try to make Guru more confident by giving her a glow-up and improving her stance. While doing so, Liko feels that Yuno actually has feelings for Renta. They return to Renta and Prince, where Guru tries to impress him again to no avail. As the two are about to walk off, Quaxly stops them and Dot's voice attracts several Trainers as they recognize her voice. Quaxly then dances, shocking Dot as it also begins to steal Prince's crowd. Jealous, Prince kicks dirt at Quaxly, but he simply cleans it off. Guru then tackles Prince in retaliation, angering Renta as he and Yuno begin arguing. Guru then releases her own scent in the air, relaxing and mesmerizing everyone as Liko realizes that Guru knew that they weren't being honest with their feelings. Renta finally agrees to team with Yuno, and the two request a practice Double Battle with Liko and Roy, which they accept. Quaxly, using the Rotom Phone, records the battle as Prince starts off the battle with Double-Edge. Sprigaito dodges it as Fuecoco uses Ember, but Guru blocks it with Mud-Slap. Liko is amazed at the sync the duo are showing before having Sprigatito use Leafage, which Guru dodges before Body Slamming Fuecoco. Prince uses Work Up, prompting Sprigatito and Fuecoco to use Quick Attack and Tackle, which he avoids using Dig and attacks Sprigatito. Sprigatito and Fuecoco knock the pig Pokémon back with Leafage and Stomping Tantrum, before Yuno and Renta decide to go all-out with Double-Edge. The combined attack transitions into Guru and Prince defeating a Trainer's Mamoswine, resulting in Yuno and Renta being the winners of the tournament. Nidothing gives her scoop on their marvelous victory before interviewing Yuno about it. She says that it was thanks to the support of Nidothing and "Sprigatito Love". Nidothing asks Yuno if she and her "ideal partner" are getting along, and she immediately becomes bashful at the mention of it. Liko and Roy are amazed by everything working out for Yuno as Dot reads the comments. However, she becomes embarrassed when one of her comments reads about Nidothing playing as a match-maker.




  • Professor Friede's Pokémon Seminar: Oinkologne
    • Question
      "Which traits are linked to its sweet scent?"
      Gourmet palate, neatness, or heat sensitivity
      Gourmet palate
  • This is the first episode since "A Mission of Ultra Urgency!" that all three first partner Pokémon of the same region have a confirmed gender.
  • The episode shares many similarities with TB102: Wherefore Art Thou, Pokémon?:
    • The guest character of the episode (Yuno and Renta, Ralph and Emily), both live in the same town. While they both appear to outwardly contentious towards each other, they also appear to have feelings for each other, which Liko and Misty notice, but not Ash and Roy.
    • Both pairs also have the same Pokémon but a different gender (Nidoran and Oinkologne), who also have nicknames (Tony and Maria). Both pairs of Pokémon are also in love with each other.
    • Liko and Misty help the guest characters and their Pokémon come together, and the guest characters end up working together to resolve a situation at the end of the episode.


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