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Lapras's Feelings For Its Friends (Japanese: ラプラスの(おも)い、仲間(なかま)(おも)い, HepburnLaplace no Omoi, Nakama o Omoitrans. Laplace's Thoughts, Thoughts of a Companion) is the 7th episode of Pocket Monsters: Terapagos' Brilliance of Pocket Monsters (2023 series), and the 32nd episode of Pokémon Horizons: The Series of Pokémon Horizons: The Series.


After finding Lapras of the Six Heroes, the Rising Volt Tacklers are surprised when it commands its Pokémon friends to attack their ship! Friede then realizes the truth: Lapras uses Mist to create a dense fog, and as it pretends to lead a ship to safety, its friends steal food from the ship. With Ludlow at the wheel, the Brave Olivine chases after Lapras, but it attacks and then flees again. Although the Rising Volt Tacklers are discouraged, Liko thinks there's more to Lapras than meets the eye, and she wants to understand its feelings. But how?[2]

Episode plot[]

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  1. ^ Pineda, Rafael (2023, December 16). "Japanese Animation TV Ranking, December 4–10 - News - Anime News Network". From Anime News Network (ANN). Archived from the original on December 16, 2023.
  2. ^ (n.d.) . "Lapras's Feelings for its Friends | Pokemon.com". From The Official Pokémon Website | Pokemon.com. Archived from the original on August 11, 2024.