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The Lonely Hatenna (Japanese: ひとりぼっちのミブリム!, HepburnHitoribotchi no Mibrimtrans. The Lonely Mibrim) is the 21st episode of Pocket Monsters: Liko and Roy's Departure of Pocket Monsters (2023 series), and Pokémon Horizons: The Series of Pokémon Horizons: The Series.


Liko, Roy, and Friede set off to Galar Mine in search of the black Rayquaza, but along the way, they get caught in a storm and seek shelter in a mountain hut. Inside, they find a wild Hatenna who seems exhausted, so Liko rushes it to the Brave Olivine. Although the Hatenna isn't hurt, something seems to be troubling it, so Liko becomes determined to learn more about it. In the process, she starts to understand Hatenna's feelings and realizes something about her own goals as a Pokémon Trainer. After cheering up Hatenna, Liko prepares to say goodbye, but Sprigatito has another idea…[1]

Episode plot[]

A wild Hatenna runs away from the Galar Mine, until it is spotted by a group of Rookidee and Drilbur trying to get its attention, but ends up hiding inside a cabin.

On the Brave Olivine, Liko gets a call from Ann, becoming shocked that her second Pokémon, a Sandshrew, cuts in-front of her. Anne then questions Liko about when she'll get her new Pokémon, which Liko hesitates. She then overhears a voice saying that they should head to the Galar Mine, in which Liko terminates the call.

After recapping the previous episode, Liko and Roy join Friede in their investigation. As rain clouds gather, they soon come across a signpost. Roy makes the decision for Liko, with the latter briefly questioning him, before the former remarks "When you don't know, just start walking.". Friede reassures Liko further before following Roy. Liko, eventually does the same. Rain starts falling, causing everyone to panic and change direction. Liko opens a door to a cabin. As they wander cautiously inside, Sprigatito sniffs something in the box. Liko gasps and notices a Hatenna inside, in a deep sleep. Sprigatito and Liko try to wake Hatenna up to no avail. Liko then becomes concerned and picks up the Pokémon, and announces that she'll take it back to the ship, believing Mollie can help it out against Friede and Roy's wishes, so she runs back to the Olivine, during the storm.

By the time Liko gets to Mollie, the latter confirms that there's nothing wrong with Hatenna, but Liko protests, saying that it hasn't sPokén at all. Mollie suggests that it could be 'an emotional thing', and explains to Liko about emotions in people and Pokémon. Liko becomes frustrated about her actions, and promises to Mollie that she'll look after it, which she accepts, which Liko thanks her for. Friede praises Mollie for letting Liko take care of the Pokémon, as he believes Hatenna make good friends with even-tempered Trainers. In the drying room, Liko picks up her dried jacket, then notices Nidothing's costume is dry, and calls her to ask a question. Later, Hatenna is settled in Dot's room. Dot explains to Liko about her role as Nidothing, unintentionally scaring her for a moment, but explains about the variety of comments she gets sent in, and how the feedback of those comments connects to those of Hatenna's feelings, explaining that it varies all the time. After a long conversation, they fail to notice that Hatenna's gone missing from its cushion. They notice the flap being moved. Sprigatito and Quaxly call out to Liko to go find it, which she accepts, with Dot offering to come.

In the dining room, Murdock and Orla get involved in an argument whether the ship needs to be repaired during a rain-storm, which they soon shout over one another. The Hatenna, overhearing, panics and runs away. Dot and Liko enter, the latter questioning what they were talking about, but they cancel her out. Orla notices Dot going 'out and about' for the first time and questions her, interested. Murdock considers inviting everyone for 'Snack time', but Dot declines and leaves, Liko doing the same.

They then enter Roy's room, questioning Roy about whether he's seen Liko. Roy then gets a brainwave and gathers a variety of Pokémon food on a bowl, resting on top of a box with two flaps open. While Liko praises the idea, Dot criticizes it as 'ridiculous'. As soon as the box rustles, they look over in anticipation. His Fuecoco is revealed to be inside the box eating Roy's food. Roy apologizes for his failed efforts. While Shuckle, Pawmi, Snorunt and Alcremie are treating themselves to some food, they notice the Hatenna, acting shyly. Alcremie offers food to the new Pokémon, but it runs and hides in the middle of the corridor, with Ludlow on the lower floor fishing. After losing Hatenna for a while, Roy and Dot agree to split up, leaving Liko on her own, wondering what to do. She looks out the window at the rain, recalling the first time she's experienced herself in a storm sometime ago, especially how lonely she was after losing her Sprigatito to the Explorers during that time. After overhearing Noctowl on the floor above, she then heads up the elevator and speaks to Hatenna, explaining to it about her experiences in a storm, and knowing how it feels to be alone and scared. Just before Liko touches the elevator button, Liko and Hatenna see each other. Liko gasps in relief and lowers to Hatenna, asking that they'll join Liko. Hatenna accepts by landing on her shoulder and tickling her.

Liko rejoins Dot and Roy, with Hatenna sleeping on the hood of her jacket. Roy commends Liko and reminds her of how they managed to make friends with Arboliva. Liko suddenly becomes worried that she's lost Sprigatito, but her Pokémon was hiding in a box, elated that Hatenna has agreed to join Liko. Liko draws something on her phone, realizing that Hatenna wanted to 'hide away from strong emotions' as a reason for its isolation, before turning off the light for the night.

The next day, Orla, Murdock and Mollie commend Liko for trusting her new Pokémon. Soon, Mollie makes a remark that angers Orla, and frightens Hatenna. They quickly realize their mistake and shake hands. Friede and Roy arrive; the former suggests that they should take Hatenna back to where's it's been, which Liko accepts. As soon as they make it back to the cabin, Sprigatito questions Liko, then steps in-front of Hatenna, communicating with it in an attempt for it to come back and stay with Liko. Soon, Hatenna turns around and jumps on Liko's knees. Liko lifts Hatenna up in the air, to everyone's delight. Hatenna also starts speaking back to Liko, delighting Liko further. Friede brings out a Pokéball and gives it to Liko. Liko offers the Pokéball to Hatenna. It accepts and enters it. Liko, having caught the new Pokémon, opens the ball again. Sprigatito offers a paw-shake, which Hatenna accepts. Friede and Roy congratulate Liko for speaking out about her emotions and sharing them with her newest partner. Liko initially doubted this, but soon admits it. She then discovers what kind of Trainer she wants to be after becoming motivated about wanting to meet new Pokémon, and learning about their feelings. They soon leave the cabin and head toward the Galar Mine for their next quest, not knowing that the Explorers are already making their way there too.





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  1. ^ (n.d.) . "The Lonely Hatenna | Pokemon.com". From The Official Pokémon Website | Pokemon.com. Archived from the original on June 22, 2024.