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The Future I Choose (Japanese: わたしが(えら)未来(みらい)HepburnWatashi ga Erabu Mirai) is the 12th episode of Pocket Monsters: Liko and Roy's Departure of Pocket Monsters (2023 series), and Pokémon Horizons: The Series of Pokémon Horizons: The Series.


With Arboliva's forest ruined, Liko and friends set out to replant seeds and encourage new growth. Even Ludlow helps with his Quagsire, whose Rain Dance brings water to the dry land. After Arboliva restores the forest, Liko's pendant glows and turns into the unfamiliar Pokémon from before. Liko, Roy, and the Pokémon then receive a fleeting message from a mysterious man, and Arboliva returns to its Ancient Poké Ball. Later, Friede and Liko's mom discuss the situation, and Liko and Roy read about the Ancient Adventurer who traveled with six Pokémon. Liko's grandma might know more, so it's up to Liko to decide what's next…[1]

Episode plot[]

Following the events of the previous episode, Arboliva cries out in sorrow over the state of the forest. Liko, not wanting to leave the forest in the current state as not all of the Pokémon would thrive, decides to help replicate the forest so it could grow again. She and Sprigatito collect berries, while Roy has Fuecoco till the ground via Stomping Tantrum. Mollie and Chansey help plant the berries, and with the fields ready, all they need is rain. However, the rain is not expected to come for some time.

In her room, Dot finalizes her livestream regarding Pokémon Abilities, but finds herself unable to send it due to poor connection. On another part of the Brave Olivine, Murdock panics over their safety but both Friede and Orla believe they're fine. They then get a message from Dot telling them that the signal is bad, and Friede, suspecting something, heads out on his Charizard while tasking the two to watch the ship. Along with Captain Pikachu, they fly out and find a Magneton responsible for the disruption and scare it off with Thunderbolt. Friede then gets a call from Liko, who tells him that they were working in the forest.

Friede arrives at the forest just as Orla and Ludlow arrive too. Ludlow brings out his Quagsire, having it use Rain Dance to bring water in. Arboliva then uses its own ability, Seed Sower, to immediately fertilize the plants and restoring the forest, allowing the Pokémon to return and live in peace. Suddenly, Liko's pendant glows again and the mysterious Pokémon from before appears, generating a barrier around Liko and Roy. Liko sees a silhouette of something that tells her to "find the world's" before the fog dissipates and the Pokémon returns to its amulet form. Likewise, Arboliva returns into its ancient Poké Ball and the group is unable to open it. Friede tells them to take care of it, as it's a sign that Arboliva approves of their actions. As the group leaves, a mysterious man watches them from his cameras, impressed with the powers they possess.

At the library, Friede tries to get some information from the books but is unable to as he is met by Lucca, who had been told by Alex that he would be there. They go out for a walk, where she tells him about a legend regarding an ancient adventurer named Lucius, who arrived at paradise with the Six Heroes. Back on the Brave Olivine, Liko shows Roy a book, who recognizes the cover as his grandpa had read it to him. According to the legend, Lucius travelled across the regions and befriended the strongest Pokémon, who were kept in the ancient Poké Balls, one of these being Rayquaza. Roy is inspired to meet the other four Pokémon. Meanwhile, Lucca tells Friede that she was going to collect the pendant, but decides to let Liko keep it so she could decide her path.

Back on the Brave Olivine, Friede tells the group that they'll be heading to Galar to meet with Liko's grandmother. Meanwhile, Spinel's Mangeton and Beheeyem monitor the Brave Olivine from a distance, relaying the feed back to him. Spinel is impressed with their capabilities, but declares that their adventure with the pendant would end.







  1. ^ Online
  2. ^ Television


  1. ^ (n.d.) . "The Future I Choose | Pokemon.com". From The Official Pokémon Website | Pokemon.com. Archived from the original on June 22, 2024.