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Arboliva's Forest (Japanese: オリーヴァの(もり)HepburnOliva no Moritrans. Oliva's Forest) is the 11th episode of Pocket Monsters: Liko and Roy's Departure of Pocket Monsters (2023 series), and Pokémon Horizons: The Series of Pokémon Horizons: The Series.


Liko and Roy are off to the forest where Brassius saw Arboliva—and after learning about a recent wildfire there, Mollie decides to join them. The group finds a burned wasteland, so Roy races ahead, only to find an Ancient Poké Ball on a giant tree. Meanwhile, Liko gets lost, so she heads toward the giant tree to meet up with Roy and Mollie. On the way, she finds an injured Paldean Wooper, but some other wild Pokémon see her as a threat and attack. At the giant tree, Liko finds Roy, and both Trainers end up in a desperate fight—against the tree itself! Could it be Arboliva?[2]

Episode plot[]

Recalling seeing a Nidothing costume and her Quaxly, Liko decides to ask Dot a question. As she prepares to say it, Dot believes that Liko has figured out that she's actually Nidothing and is about to reveal the truth, but becomes flabbergasted when Liko instead deduces that she's a Nidothing superfan, slightly annoying her that she hasn't made the connection yet.

In another area of the Brave Olivine, Mollie finishes up a call with her family as Orla comes in and gives her a drink. On her Rotom Phone is a picture of a burnt forest and as Mollie looks at it, she decides to tag along with Liko and Roy.

Arriving at the forest that Brassius had told them about, Liko, Roy, Nemona and Mollie witness the charred landscape. Roy is upset as he believes they wouldn't get any closer to finding Rayquaza as Nemona and Mollie explain that there had been a fire caused by lightning. Nemona then leaves and wishes them luck, as she was only there to take them to the forest. Back on the ship, Professor Friede is worried about them, as he feels that Liko's mother would be concerned about what they were doing. On another part of the ship, Ludlow ponders if Liko and Roy could see from another perspective.

As Roy explores the forest, Mollie and Liko have a talk about their parents. Liko tells her that her father is an artist and her mother a schoolteacher, so she never had much time to spend with them. Mollie then tells her that she came from a line of doctors and enjoyed the job, but quit one day. Liko asks her why and Mollie's Chansey chimes in, though she decides to tell her the reason later. Liko then remembers when she had asked her to pick up an order and then realizes that she had never seen her step inside a Pokémon Center before. Sprigatito then calls her over, having found a bush of Oran Berries. The two then go pick more but find themselves lost. She then tries to call Mollie but discovers that there's no reception.

Elsewhere, Roy and Fuecoco climb a massive tree, spotting an Ancient Poké Ball on it. The tree suddenly begins to sway, which catches both Roy and Liko's attention. Mollie then wonders where the children went and decides to head to the big tree as that was where they would meet if they got lost. As Liko and Sprigatito try to make for the tree, they re-enter the scorched area and find a Paldean Wooper badly mangled and dehydrated. Liko pours her water on it to no avail and decides to feed it an Oran Berry, but before she could do so, a wild Cacnea attacks her, followed by a Shroomish and a Hoppip. Shroomish unleashes Stun Spore, which Sprigatito repels with Leafage. As the spores clear, she finds Hoppip carrying Wooper and believes that the three Pokémon were ganging up on the defenseless Wooper and pursues them.

Heading to the big tree, Liko finds four Smoliv around it; her presence scares them off and she realizes that the Pokémon were trying to protect the Wooper. Before she could act, Mollie steps in and her Chansey grabs the Wooper as the Pokémon are distracted. Cacnea threatens her, but Mollie puts in place. The Pokémon are still suspicious as she begins treating Wooper and call for the big tree to intervene, revealing why she quit her job in the process. The big tree becomes alive and is revealed to be a massive Arboliva which attacks Liko and Roy, attempting to spray oil on them. They hide behind a bush and it stops attacking, though Liko realizes that it knew that the Smoliv were hiding there and didn't want to hurt them. Nonetheless it still focuses on them and they begin running to Mollie and inform her to run away, though she refuses as she still needs to treat Wooper, so they decide to buy her some time.

Roy has Fuecoco use Ember due to the type-advantage, but Liko stops them as he would unintentionally cause another fire. They then resort to a less harmful method, using Quick Attack, Stomping Tantrum and Leafage to stumble the massive Arboliva, though do not defeat it. As it tries to regain its composure and renew its attack, Wooper comes in and communicates to it that Mollie had healed it. This causes Arboliva to understand that they had no harmful intentions and it extends its arm to her as a sign of thanks. As the small Pokémon leave, Arboliva appears to understand why they came and picks up both Liko and Roy, showing the devastation wrought to its forest as it cries out in sorrow.






  1. ^ Pineda, Rafael (2023, June 24). "Japanese Animation TV Ranking, June 12–18 - News - Anime News Network". From Anime News Network (ANN). Archived from the original on June 24, 2023.
  2. ^ (n.d.) . "Arboliva's Forest | Pokemon.com". From The Official Pokémon Website | Pokemon.com. Archived from the original on June 22, 2024.