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One, Two, Three (Japanese(ワン)(ツー)(スリー)HepburnWan, Tsuu, Surii) is the first opening theme song of Pokémon Journeys: The Series.

The song was originally sung by the utaite band After the Rain (MafuMafu + Soraru). Since "Time After Time!", it was later replaced by Takanori Nishikawa and Shō Kiryūin's version and the style was altered; from "A Pinch of This, a Pinch of That!" till "Battling Turned Up to Eleven!", the song was modified again and sung by Erika Ikuta and Sayuri Matsumura.

After a year later, the song was modified again and sung by Rica Matsumoto and Daiki Yamashita (credited as their characters) as of "Meeting Up With the Monarch!".



TV Size[]

♪ ねえ、まだまだまだ?(いそ)いで! ()かける準備(じゅんび)はできたかい? キミに()せたい不思議(ふしぎ)世界(せかい) ()(おく)りならいらない

たとえ()(なか) (みず)(なか) ()さぐりで()えない今日(きょう)(なか)(びょう)(さき)だってまだ()らないけど

いつも(おも)()はどれも 全部(ぜんぶ)ボールの(なか)

(ワン)(ツー)(スリー)()()め! いつか(えが)いた未来(みらい)が ボクのポケットにあるから はじめましてはいつだって(はじ)めてさ ためらうことなどナイ!(ナイ!)トライ!(トライ!) Let's(レッツ) have(ハブ) a() fight(ファイト)!

1.バトルをしたなら 2.(わら)うか()いたって 3で仲間(なかま)になろうよ

あの()だって この()だって いつだってそうしていた (さき)()えない ()ても()らない世界(せかい)がそこにあるけど

レッツゴー (ころ)んですりむいて レッツゴー 何度(なんど)(ある)()(となり) キミにきめた! ♪

Full Version[]

♪ ねえ、まだまだまだ?(いそ)いで! ()かける準備(じゅんび)はできたかい? キミに()せたい不思議(ふしぎ)世界(せかい) ()(おく)りならいらない

たとえ()(なか) (みず)(なか) ()さぐりで()えない今日(きょう)(なか)(びょう)(さき)だってまだ()らないけど

いつも(おも)()はどれも 全部(ぜんぶ)ボールの(なか)

(ワン)(ツー)(スリー)()()め! いつか(えが)いた未来(みらい)が ボクのポケットにあるから はじめましてはいつだって(はじ)めてさ ためらうことなどナイ!(ナイ!)トライ!(トライ!) Let's(レッツ) have(ハブ) a() fight(ファイト)!

1.バトルをしたなら 2.(わら)うか()いたって 3で仲間(なかま)になろうよ

あの()だって この()だって いつだってそうしていた (さき)()えない ()ても()らない世界(せかい)がそこにあるけど

レッツゴー (ころ)んですりむいて レッツゴー 何度(なんど)(ある)()(となり) キミにきめた!

(となり)(まち)から景色(けしき)は ため(いき)つくほど世界(せかい)()まぐるしく(まわ)り (かわ)るボクを()()りにする

子供(こども)(ころ)夢中(むちゅう)で くぐり()けた(あな)ぼこでも しばらくぶりだな 見落(みお)としていたの?

でもね (わす)れた景色(けしき)今日(きょう)のどこかにあるよ

(ワン)(ツー)(スリー)()()せ! 散々(さんざん)だって()いていた日々(ひび)とボールの(そと)まで

「どこへ()こうか?」は 「どこへだって()ける」でしょ? (いき)つく(ひま)などナイ!(ナイ!)トライ!(トライ!) Why(ホワイ) don't(ドント) we(ウィー) go()?

言葉(ことば)()えて 2境界線(きょうかいせん)(さき)の まだ()(きみ)まで

(たお)れるなら ()をつくなら (まえ)だって()めたんだ ()(しず)むように(かげ)()びて 背丈(せたけ)()わっているけど

レッツゴー (あめ)()がりでなくちゃ レッツゴー ()()(にじ)はない あの()から()づいている

(きみ)は (きみ)は いつの()にやら 大人(おとな)になっちゃいないかい?

ほこりを(かぶ)った ボロ()の (みぎ)ぽっけに()いてきた 片手(かたて)(おさ)まる冒険(ぼうけん) ボクらの(すべ)てだった あの(ごろ)(おも)()が (きみ)(さが)しているよ

(ワン)(ツー)(スリー)()()め! いつか(えが)いた未来(みらい)が ボクのポケットにあるから はじめましてはいつだって(はじ)めてさ ためらうことなどナイ!(ナイ!)トライ!(トライ!) Let's(レッツ) have(ハブ) a() fight(ファイト)!

1.バトルをしたなら 2.(わら)うか()いたって 3で仲間(なかま)になろうよ

あの()だって この()だって いつだってそうしていた (さき)()えない ()ても()らない世界(せかい)がそこにあるけど

レッツゴー (ころ)んですりむいて レッツゴー 何度(なんど)(ある)()(となり) キミにきめた! ♪


TV Size[]

♪ Hey, is it time, is it time? Hurry up! Are you ready to head out? We don't need a sendoff To the strange I want to show you

Even if in fire or in water Or in the present day we fumble but can't see When I don't even know what the next second will bring

But every single one of our memories Is always inside a ball

Jump in on one, two, three! Because the future I once imagined is right in my pocket "Nice to meet you" always once a beginning There's no hesitating! (No!) Try! (Try!) Let's have a fight!

1. After a battle 2. Whether you're laughing or crying We'll be friends on 3!

On that day, on this day, that's how we've always done it A world with unknown boundaries just lies unseen ahead

Let's go! Even if we trip and skin our knees Let's go! When it comes to who I want by my side to start walking again I choose you! ♪

Full Version[]

♪ Hey, is it time, is it time? Hurry up! Are you ready to head out? We don't need a sendoff To the strange I want to show you

Even if in fire or in water Or in the present day we fumble but can't see When I don't even know what the next second will bring

But every single one of our memories Is always inside a ball

Jump in on one, two, three! Because the future I once imagined is right in my pocket "Nice to meet you" always once a beginning There's no hesitating! (No!) Try! (Try!) Let's have a fight!

1. After a battle 2. Whether you're laughing or crying We'll be friends on 3!

On that day, on this day, that's how we've always done it A world with unknown boundaries just lies unseen ahead

Let's go! Even if we trip and skin our knees Let's go! When it comes to who I want by my side to start walking again I choose you!

The view from the neighboring town, the breathtaking world Dizzyingly spin and change Leaving me behind

Even the holes that I used to slip through and play around as a child It's been a while since I last saw one, so have I just missed them all along?

But you know, even that forgotten view is Still out there somewhere today

Jump out on one, two, three! With those days spent crying, towards the outside of the ball

"Where do I want to go?" is "Anywhere you go," right? There's no time to breathe! (No!) Try! (Try!) Why don't we go?

1. Beyond worlds 2. Beyond boundaries To you who I've yet to meet

Even if I fall with my hands on the ground, I've already made my decision As shadows stretch when the sun sets, I will grow as well

Let's go! It's gotta be after the rain Let's go! Because there aren't rainbows on sunny days Since that day when I realized it

You, you, before I knew it Haven't you become an adult?

You've left it in the right pocket of those dusty, tattered clothes An adventure that could be held in one hand was all of us The memories of those days are searching for you

Jump in on one, two, three! Because the future I once imagined is right in my pocket "Nice to meet you" always once a beginning There's no hesitating! (No!) Try! (Try!) Let's have a fight!

1. After a battle 2. Whether you're laughing or crying We'll be friends on 3!

On that day, on this day, that's how we've always done it A world with unknown boundaries just lies unseen ahead

Let's go! Even if we trip and skin our knees Let's go! When it comes to who I want by my side to start walking again I choose you! ♪




Second Variant[]

Third Variant[]

Fourth Variant[]


  • In "A Crackling Raid Battle!", the song was played mid-episode, but the original version (sung by After the Rain) was used instead of the second version (sung by Takanori Nishikawa and Shō Kiryūin), which was played in the intro at that time.
  • The fourth variation of the opening has a few references to the games and past seasons, those being:
  • Following his arrest due to charges of attempted sexual assault on October 24, Hidekazu Tanaka's arranger credit was omitted from the song credits, beginning with PJ130. Similarly, the opening and ending credits were removed from the staff listing on the TV Tokyo website on October 25 ,and his name was removed from the official Japanese Pokémon website on October 28.

Dub differences[]

  • During the English dub of Pokémon Master Journeys opening animation during the ending credits, the Japanese blue text name "ポケットモンスター" has been edited out in the dub.
  • The English ending is a muted version of the Pokémon Shiritori Mew > Zamazenta animation, with the vocal version of the opening theme song "Journey to Your Heart" over it.
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