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Oblivion Forest is a Dungeon in Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Sky. It is unlocked upon reach the first level of Master Rank. The dungeon has several restrictions: money cannot be brought into the dungeon, only eight items can be brought in, only two Pokémon can enter, and rescues cannot be called for.

The weather may turn to Hail if Abomasnow is on the floor due to its Snow Warning Ability.

Oblivion Forest is located on the west side of the forest it shares with Foggy Forest on the Wonder Map.


Pokémon Floors Lv. Recruit rate
0015Beedrill MD Beedrill B1-14 55-60 Unrecruitable
0047Parasect MD Parasect B1-14 55-60 Unrecruitable
0061Poliwhirl MD Poliwhirl B1-14 55-60 Unrecruitable
0127Pinsir MD Pinsir B1-14 55-60 Unrecruitable
0166Ledian MD Ledian B1-14 55-60 Unrecruitable
0212Scizor MD Scizor B1-14 55-60 Unrecruitable
0214Heracross MD Heracross B1-14 55-60 Unrecruitable
0291Ninjask MD Ninjask B1-14 55-60 Unrecruitable
0342Crawdaunt MD Crawdaunt B1-14 55-60 Unrecruitable
0389Torterra MD Torterra B1-14 55-60 Unrecruitable
0455Carnivine MD Carnivine B1-14 55-60 Unrecruitable
0460Abomasnow MD Abomasnow B1-14 55-60 Unrecruitable
0465Tangrowth MD Tangrowth B1-14 55-60 Unrecruitable