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Northern Desert is a dungeon in Explorers of Time and Darkness and Explorers of Sky.

It is located at the southern end of the desert area on the Wonder Map


The player and their partner are sent here in search of Grovyle, who is, at that point, believed to be a wanted criminal and thief.

At the end of the dungeon is a series of quicksand pits. During the first visit, the player and their partner head back after reaching the quicksand, but they return the next day and jump in the quicksand, which leads to Quicksand Cave and the Underground Lake.

After the credits, the player can continue their journey in Quicksand Cave after completing Northern Desert.


Pokémon Floors Lv. Recruit rate
0104Cubone MD Cubone 1F-7F 20 8.2%
0343Baltoy MD Baltoy 1F-7F 23 5.6%
0246Larvitar MD Larvitar 1F-8F 22 8.2%
0304Aron MD Aron 1F-8F 22 6.4%
0331Cacnea MD Cacnea 1F-8F 22 6.4%
0027Sandshrew MD Sandshrew 1F-15F 20 8.2%
0328Trapinch MD Trapinch 1F-15F 22 8.2%
0455Carnivine MD Carnivine 7F-15F 24 8.2%
0111Rhyhorn MD Rhyhorn 8F-15F 23 6.4%
0305Lairon MD Lairon 9F-15F 23 0.5%
0332Cacturne MD Cacturne 9F-15F 23 0.5%