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Pokémon Wiki

Murky Forest is a Mystery Dungeon exclusive to the special episode, "Igglybuff the Prodigy" (to unlock this Special Episode, you must first encounter the Fogbound Lake event). Being in a Special Episode, it is only accessible in Explorers of Sky. The first time this Dungeon is explored is with Skorupi and Banette.

At the end of the Dungeon, the first time it is cleared, Armaldo the Explorer is encountered. It is said that a monster lives in Murky Forest, who is revealed to be Armaldo scaring off trespassers. It has 7 floors. It has traps, no rest stops, and a few Kecleon shops. It has the same music as Tiny Woods from Red and Blue rescue team.


Pokémon Floors Lv. Recruit rate
0102Exeggcute MD Exeggcute 1-3 10 Unrecruitable
0163Hoothoot MD Hoothoot 1-7 10 Unrecruitable
0187Hoppip MD Hoppip 1-7 11-12 Unrecruitable
0084Doduo MD Doduo 2-4 7 Unrecruitable
0013Weedle MD Weedle 3-7 11-12 Unrecruitable
0412Burmy MD Burmy 3-7 11-12 Unrecruitable
0167Spinarak MD Spinarak 3-7 7-8 Unrecruitable
0265Wurmple MD Wurmple 3-7 15-16 Unrecruitable


This is the only dungeon in the Special Episodes that can be revisited from the home area after completing it.
