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Mt. Avalanche is one of the seven treasure dungeons in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Sky. It has 20 floors and at the end of the dungeon the player must face Articuno. If Articuno is defeated, the Player is awarded a Icy Flute and has a chance to recruit Articuno. The dungeons cannot be unlocked through normal means and can only be unlocked with Wonder Mail, Wifi-connection, or from a Pokémon in Spinda's Café in Explorers of Sky.

Mt. Avalanche is located east of Crevice Cave on the snowy island on the southwest part of the Wonder Map.


All items in this dungeon can appear on any floor. Power, Special, Twist, & Zinc Bands appear here as well as Apples, Max & Mix Elixirs, Gravelrocks, Gone Pebbles, & Wander Gummis. Oran, Oren, Pecha, Rawst, & Cheri Berries can also be found along with Blinker, Doom, Dough, Dropeye, Reviser, Sleep, Slip, Via, & X-Eye Seeds. All-Hit, Blowback, Cleanse, Escape, Evasion, Foe-Fear, Foe-Seal, Hurl, Petrify, Pounce, Radar, Rebound, Rollcall, Scanner, Switcher, Trapbust, Trawl, & Warp Orbs can also appear in this dungeon.


Mt. Avalanche[]

Pokémon Floors Lv. Recruit rate
0124Jynx MD Jynx 1-19 42-45 -4.5%
0183Marill MD Marill 1-19 40-43 0.5%
0184Azumarill MD Azumarill 1-19 45-48 0.5%
0215Sneasel MD Sneasel 1-19 12-15 6.4%
0221Piloswine MD Piloswine 1-19 41-44 -12%
0225Delibird MD Delibird 1-19 41-44 8.2%
0238Smoochum MD Smoochum 1-19 17-20 6.4%
0287Slakoth MD Slakoth 1-19 15-18 8.2%
0288Vigoroth MD Vigoroth 1-19 41-44 -10%
0289Slaking MD Slaking 1-19 45-48 -12%
0298Azurill MD Azurill 1-19 11-14 8.2%
0299Nosepass MD Nosepass 1-19 42-45 6.4%
0333Swablu MD Swablu 1-19 11-14 6.4%
0334Altaria MD Altaria 1-19 42-45 -12%
0335Zangoose MD Zangoose 1-19 42-45 6.4%
0348Armaldo MD Armaldo 1-19 42-45 -4.5%
0361Snorunt MD Snorunt 1-19 14-17 6.4%
0393Piplup MD Piplup 1-19 5-8 8.2%
0394Prinplup MD Prinplup 1-19 45-48 -12%
0395Empoleon MD Empoleon 1-19 45-48 -12%
0461Weavile MD Weavile 1-19 42-45 -12%
0473Mamoswine MD Mamoswine 1-19 42-45 -12%
0055Golduck MD Golduck 12-19 43-44 -12%

Mt. Avalanche Peak[]

Pokémon Floors Lv. Recruit rate
0144Articuno MD Articuno Peak 43 50%


  • Probably one of the easiest Seven Treasures dungeons. Depending on your Pokémons at that time if you can run a Flygon with RedGlasses (exclusive items granting healing when hit by ice type moves for Trapinch and his evolutions) can make things extremely easy.