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Pokémon Wiki
For the counterpart in the games, see Mr. Fuego.

Mr. Fuego is a character appearing in Pokémon Adventures.


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Mr. Fuego was the owner of Fuego Ironworks. His company was doing well until Team Galactic, under the name of Space Energy Development Company, made an order. Fuego had the items made, and just as he wanted to speak with the customers, he heard that they were going to build a bomb. Mr. Fuego panicked, and had Shellos attack the enemy. Unfortunately, he stepped on a conveyor belt, and ended up trapped in the innermost parts of the Ironworks.[1]

Diamond & Pearl arc[]

Since he ended up trapped in the Ironworks, Mr. Fuego screamed for help. Pearl, who heard the man's help, had Luxray use its X-Ray vision to detect him. The two had a talk about what happened, and Pearl swore to rescue Mr. Fuego.[1] Mr. Fuego awaited for Pearl, who fought many Team Galactic's Pokémon before reaching him. Pearl, after obtaining Luxray, turned to Mr. Fuego, and asked him about the papers that bore Team Galactic's symbol.[2]

Pearl read the papers from Mr. Fuego, who asked Pearl to come inside, since it was freezing outside. Pearl thanked him, and realized that the items Team Galactic had ordered were for multiple bombs. Mr. Fuego, however, was carrying a box of bolts and nuts, and assumed his customer, Rad Rickshaw, would be very angry for the late delivery date. Pearl helped him, and thinking Mr. Fuego had some clue about Team Galactic, decided to take the box to that man. Mr. Fuego bid him farewell, as Pearl went on Luxray to Eterna City.[3]


On hand[]

