- Pokétch No: 16
- Basic Info: "The Move Tester app is used to check how moves match up."
- Computer Info: "The Move Tester checks how effective moves are by type. Switch the attacker and defender types to see what is effective."
- "Will reset if you change apps."
- It is obtainable from the president at The Pokétch Company in Jubilife City once you've gotten yourself seven badges, or Icicle Badge.
- The Move Tester checks how effective moves are by type.
- Switch the attacker and defender types to see what is effective.
- It displays how effective is the attack based on the target's type using exclamation mark:
- 0 exclamation mark - Not effective. (0x damage)
- 1 exclamation mark - Not very effective. (0.25x damage)
- 2 exclamation marks - Not very effective. (0.5x damage)
- 3 exclamation marks - Regularly effective. (1x damage)
- 4 exclamation marks - Super effective. (2x damage)
- 5 exclamation marks - Super effective. (4x damage)
List of Pokétch Apps |
Digital Watch - Calculator - Memo Pad - Pedometer - Pokémon List |
Friendship Checker - Dowsing Machine - Berry Searcher - Day-Care Checker - Pokémon History |
Counter - Analog Watch - Marking Map - Link Searcher - Coin Toss |
Move Tester - Calendar - Dot Artist - Roulette - Trainer Counter |
Kitchen Timer - Color Changer - Matchup Checker - Stopwatch - Alarm Clock |