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Motostoke Outskirts is a landmark in Galar east of Motostoke.



Wild Pokémon
Walking; Random
Pokémon Games Level Rate
0559Scraggy Pokémon HOME Scraggy SW 21-24 35%
0453Croagunk Pokémon HOME Croagunk SH 21-24 35%
0524Roggenrola Pokémon HOME Roggenrola SW/SH 21-24 30%
0624Pawniard Pokémon HOME Pawniard SW/SH 21-24 20%
0833Chewtle Pokémon HOME Chewtle SW/SH 21-24 10%
0859Impidimp Pokémon HOME Impidimp SW/SH 21-24 5%


Wild Pokémon
Walking; Overworld
Pokémon Games Level Rate
0164Noctowl Pokémon HOME Noctowl SW/SH 22-26 40%
0185Sudowoodo Pokémon HOME Sudowoodo SW/SH 22-26 30%
0109Koffing Pokémon HOME Koffing SW/SH 22-26 15%
0856Hatenna Pokémon HOME Hatenna SW/SH 22-26 10%
0539Sawk Pokémon HOME Sawk SW 22-26 5%
0538Throh Pokémon HOME Throh SH 22-26 5%
0757Salandit Pokémon HOME Salandit SH 22-26 5%


Trainer Pokémon Level

0835 Yamper 22
0528 Swoobat 24
Gain: Poké Dollar4,800

Trainer Pokémon Level

Police Officer
0058 Growlithe 23
Gain: Poké Dollar2,760


Item Games Location/Method
  Amulet Coin SW/SH Behind the sign
  Great Ball SW/SH In the bare section of the southern grass patch (×3)
  PP Up SW/SH On the rock northwest of the norrhwestern grass patch (hidden)
  Health Feather SW/SH Across the bridge (hidden; 4 locations; respawns daily)
  1. Between the first and second southeastern-most pillars
  2. Just slightly north of the center of the bridge
  3. Between the fourth northwestern-most and the fourth southwestern-most pillars
  4. Just slightly northeast from the second southeastern-most pillar
Muscle Feather Sprite Muscle Feather
Resist Feather Sprite Resist Feather
Genius Feather Sprite Genius Feather
Clever Feather Sprite Clever Feather
Swift Feather Sprite Swift Feather
Pretty Feather Sprite Pretty Feather