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Pokémon Wiki
For other variants of Gastly belonging to Morty, see Morty's Gastly.

This Gastly is a ghost/poison-type Pokémon owned by Morty.



Morty noticed Suicune and went to catch it with his Gastly and Misdreavus. Thus, he had Gastly use Thunderbolt around the area to paralyze Suicune.[1] Since he failed to catch Suicune, Morty returned to his Gym in Ecruteak City.[2] Due to Lr. Surge's request, Morty focused on the items belonging to Gold and Silver, while Gastly and Misdreavus increased his concentration.[3]

At the tournament at Indigo Plateau, Gastly fought against Lt. Surge's Electabuzz. However, it was defeated by the latter's Thunder.[4]

Johto II[]

Misdreavus and Morty's Gastly were seen with Morty when he talked to Gold. He later on used them to help Gold at the Ecruteak City Gym to help find Lance with a piece from his cape. They helped Morty conduct his ritual.[5] Morty ended the seance with Misdreavus and Gastly, and as Morty went to explain to Gold what he saw, they were interrupted when someone was knocking on the door.[6] Misdreavus and Gastly helped Morty focus to find the 13 plates that Silver was seeking.[7]

Known moves[]

See also[]

