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Pokémon Wiki

This Ampharos is an Electric-type Pokémon owned by Molayne.


Ampharos was lent by Molayne to Sophocles to help guide a space probe back to the surface at the Mossdeep Space Center. It followed Sophocles to meet Ash and Goh. Later, it rushes to set up its beacon, but accidentally hits Ash and Goh with its tail. The dejected Light Pokémon walks over to its station and also nearly steps on Togedemaru.

Unfortunately, when the Roly-Poly Pokémon tries to avoid getting crushed, she accidentally breaks a machine by jumping backwards into it, causing it to malfunction, forcing an emergency shutdown, causing both Sophocles and Ampharos to become dejected.

Outside the building, Ash and Goh are seen trying to cheer up Sophocles and Ampharos, but Ampharos' light fails to work properly and it flees into the nearby woods. It was eventually found by Cinderace, moping. After failed attempts by Togedemaru and Ash's Pikachu to illuminate the area to find the lost Grookey, and a pep talk by Sophocles, Ampharos managed to get its Light to work properly and get Grookey back with the group, and later (with the help of Pikachu's Thunderbolt, Togedemaru's Zing Zap and Raichu's Nuzzle) guide the probe back safely, and collapses out of exhaustion.

Known moves[]
