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Pokémon Wiki

This Clauncher is a Water-type Pokémon owned by Misty.


Clauncher is a straightforward Pokémon who respects fellow Water-type crustaceans such as Ash's Corphish, getting along well and willing to help train him.


Clauncher was originally living in the sea when he stumbled into Misty, who impressed her enough that she wanted to catch him. However, he managed to escape every attempt she made at him. Soon after, Ash ran into him and wanted to catch him too. When the two began arguing over who would catch him, Ash's Corphish immediately took a liking to Clauncher, who told him that he would allow himself to be caught to whoever won in their battle.

Misty defeated Ash in the ensuing battle and allowed her to catch him. However, upon seeing Corphish upset, he immediately left his Poké Ball and began to train Corphish, prompting Misty to accompany Ash on his journey for a while.

Known moves[]



  1. ^ "PJ138", Before Ash's battle with Misty, Ash mentions that both Clauncher and Corphish are men, which implies that he is also male.

