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Mirror Bonnie is a character in Pokémon the Series: XY and XYZ.


Unlike her counterpart, Mirror Bonnie is more considerate and well-mannered towards her brother, when he makes a mistake. Mirror Bonnie encountered Ash, who came into the World of Mirrors to find Pikachu stolen by his counterpart. When Mirror Clemont failed to find Team Rocket using a stick, Mirror Bonnie told him he did his best. When Mirror Ash and Ash retrieved their Pikachu from Team Rocket, the "mirrored" heroes showed Ash the way back to the world, through the mirror from which he came.


On hand[]

This Dedenne looks same as offical Clemont's Dedenne.


  • The mirror appearance, including Bonnie's counterpart is given half the color to differentiate from the real heroes. Also, Bonnie's hair is tied to her left or on the right when looking at her. The mirror Bonnie's hair is tied to her right or on the left when looking at her.