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Midnight Forest is a Dungeon in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Darkness, and Sky. It is unlocked through a request on the Job Bulletin Board. At the last floor, there is treasure room with a Deluxe Box. There is also a high number of Pitfall Traps in the Dungeon.

Midnight Forest is located at the southern end of the main continent and is east of Lake Afar on the Wonder Map.


Beedrill and Rotom only appear in Explorers of Darkness and Sky

Pokémon Floors Lv. Recruit rate
0015Beedrill MD Beedrill B1-21 30-34 5%
0020Raticate MD Raticate B1-21 30-34 -4.5%
0048Venonat MD Venonat B1-21 15-19 8.2%
0049Venomoth MD Venomoth B1-21 35-39 -4.5%
0069Bellsprout MD Bellsprout B1-21 6-10 8.2%
0123Scyther MD Scyther B1-21 15-19 8.2%
0165Ledyba MD Ledyba B1-21 14-18 8.2%
0166Ledian MD Ledian B1-21 33-37 -4.5%
0265Wurmple MD Wurmple B1-21 5-9 6.4%
0290Nincada MD Nincada B1-21 23-27 6.4%
0267Beautifly MD Beautifly B21-24 29-33 1%
0274Nuzleaf MD Nuzleaf B1-24 30-34 0.5%
0315Roselia MD Roselia B1-24 30-34 6.4%
0479Rotom MD Rotom B10-20 32-34 -12%
0381Latios MD Latios B24 44 0.1%*

* Only appears if a Secret Slab or Mystery Part is in the bag.


  • Midnight Forest has the same dungeon layout as Dusk Forest. Also, the soundtracks for both that dungeon and Deep Dusk Forest sometimes play here.