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Pokémon Wiki

Mew is a Psychic-type Mythical Pokémon that appeared in the Pokémon Journeys: The Series.


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Mew first appeared four years prior to the start of the anime and Ash Ketchum's journey at Pallet Town in the Kanto Region. It was fighting against a wild Nidoking, mimicking all of its attacks, though it simply believed it was playing with it. It later noticed that two kids (Goh and Chloe), had been watching it, and began to fly away. Goh and Chloe chased after it, watching it transform into various Pokémon as it attempted to escape. While trying to escape, Mew noticed a baby Kangaskhan in danger, promptly rescuing it with Psychic. During the commotion, it escaped Goh and Chloe's sight.

It later reappeared at Vermilion City, disguised as a Lugia, to rescue Ash, Goh, and Chloe's Pokémon from Team Rocket. After all of them left, Mew transformed back into its normal body.

Known moves[]
