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Pokémon Wiki

Medals are an achievement feature found in Pokémon Black and White Versions 2 that commemorate the player's various accomplishments throughout the game. There are four ranks for obtaining medals: the Rookie Rank, obtained with 50 medals, the Elite Rank, for obtaining 100 m


(Taken from http://livedoor.4.blogimg.jp/hatima/imgs/c/b/cb3ae517.jpg)

edals, the Master Rank, for obtaining 150 medals, and the Legend Rank for obtaining 200 medals.

The Medal Rally is started early in the game when the Medal Master gives the player the Medal Box in which to keep medals. Medals aren't given immediately upon an accomplishment deserving of a medal; the player must travel to a Pokémon Center to meet with the Medal Master, who will give the player all the medals gained since the last visit. Additionally, new ranks will also not be granted immediately; one must travel to Castelia City, where they will find the Medal Headquarters.

Each Medal can be earned via accomplishing certain tasks, such as finding all of the Hidden Grottoes or beating the Elite Four with only one type of Pokémon. Hint Medals aren't actual medals; they give you hints for what to do to get a certain medal. Example: "Beat the Elite Four with only one Pokémon in your party!"

One is also able to pin a medal to their trainer card if they are especially proud of the achievement. The medal will always be shown on it, even on the Pokémon Global Link.

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