Matthew "Matt" Mitler (also known as Joseph Shore) is a New York-based voice actor involved with the Pokémon anime series during its first four seasons under the 4Kids license as well as it first season under the TPCi license. He has not had a role in the series since.
- Rudy
- Falkner
- Chopper
- Pyro
- Sparky
- Hisashi
- Keenan
- Kerrigan
- Commentator ("The Flame Pokémon-athon!")
- Norman ("The Bridge Bike Gang")
- Hitmonchan Trainer ("The Lost Lapras")
- Male gym assistant ("Electric Shock Showdown")
- Male bike gang members ("The Bridge Bike Gang")
- Hospital Director ("Strategy Tomorrow—Comedy Tonight!")
Non-Pokémon series[]
- Fighting Foodons - Chef Crockpot, Slice
- He is usually typecast to punk characters, appearing in groups of three and even sharing the same spiky hairstyle.