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Pokémon Wiki
Pokémon Wiki
Matchup Checker

A Prinplup and a Golduck almost match together because they are like birds. And they have beaks too!

The matchup checker app lets you select two of the Pokémon you own, and lets you see if those two Pokémon will produce an egg together or not. If the Pokémon reject each other an egg will not be produced.

List of Pokétch Apps
Digital Watch - Calculator - Memo Pad - Pedometer - Pokémon List
Friendship Checker - Dowsing Machine - Berry Searcher - Day-Care Checker - Pokémon History
Counter - Analog Watch - Marking Map - Link Searcher - Coin Toss
Move Tester - Calendar - Dot Artist - Roulette - Trainer Counter
Kitchen Timer - Color Changer - Matchup Checker - Stopwatch - Alarm Clock