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This Purugly is a Normal-type Pokémon owned by Mars.


Bronzor helped Mars attack Cynthia and others with Shadow Ball, but the Champion's Garchomp and Gastrodon countered their attacks. It then went to attack Team Rocket with Bronzor, but Purugly was later knocked out by Ash's Staravia, Dawn's Piplup and Cynthia's Garchomp.[1]

In order to disrupt Team Galactic's plans on Iron Island, Team Rocket's Meowth went to use Fury Swipes, but Mars' Purugly used Fury Swipes of her own to overpower Meowth.[2] As Riley and Lucario went to disable the machine that caused the Steel-type Pokémon to go berserk, Mars' Purugly attacked Lucario to prevent them from doing that. She later attacked Ash's Pikachu and the other Pokémon, but missed, and eventually failed to protect the machine.[3]

As Azelf was captured by Team Galactic, Mesprit went to rescue it, but was intercepted by Mars and Purugly. Purugly distracted Mesprit long enough for Team Galactic to capture it. As Ash, Brock and Dawn were teleported by the Lake Trio to Team Galactic Headquarters, Mars sent Purugly to restrain them.[4] Mars' Purugly used Iron Tail to stop their attack and quickly overpowered them. At the Spear Pillar, as Cyrus was creating the new world, the heroes came to stop their plans. Mars had Purugly attack them, but was defeated by Pikachu's Thunderbolt and Piplup's Bubble Beam.[5]

Known moves[]

