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Pokémon Wiki

This Pyroar is a fire/normal-type Pokémon owned by Malva.


Aliana used Pyroar to invade Vaniville Town. Pyroar burned away the door to X's house. To take the Mega Ring, Aliana had Pyroar use Flamethrower, but X and Y were protected by X's Kanga. X's Mega Ring flashed, Mega Evolving Kangaskhan, who started punching and kicking Pyroar and Mable's Houndoom. Aliana and Mable had retreated from the battle.[1]

Upon encountering Aliana and Mable, Y had remembered her previous encounter with the women, along with Pyroar.[2][3] After the thief brought Diancie's diamonds to Malva, Malva started admiring the diamonds. However, the thief failed to bring Diancie, so Malva had Pyroar use Flamethrower to burn the thief.[4] At Team Flare's headquarters, Aliana gave back Pyroar to Malva, per her request.[5]

Known moves[]

