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This particularly giant Arboliva is a Grass/Normal-type Pokémon owned by Lucius. Currently, it is under the care of Liko.


Arboliva serves as the guardian of a forest near Artazon, protecting its Pokémon inhabitants. It was originally under Lucius' ownership but somehow separated from him after finding "paradise".

Shortly after Roy joined the Rising Volt Tacklers, he had released a Rayquaza during his battle against Amethio. After unleashing Draco Meteor and forcing the Explorers to retreat, Rayquaza headed to the forest and encountered Arboliva, who according to Brassius (who had gone for a walk for inspiration), it shone alongside it. He made a sculpture regarding the event and when Liko saw it, she could feel a sense of sorrow and sadness coming from it.

When Liko, Roy and Mollie went to the forest that Brassius had mentioned, they discovered that part of the forest was scorched as a result of a stray lightning bolt hitting the area during the dry season. Liko ended up getting lost in the forest and discovered a dehydrated and weakened Paldean Wooper and tried to heal it, though the forest inhabitants thought otherwise and attacked her, taking it away. When she arrived, she discovered the Pokémon were trying to heal their friend, though Mollie ended up arriving and taking care of the Wooper. The inhabitants were suspicious of their motives and called Arboliva to deal with the intruders, who awoke and attacked Liko and Roy.

Liko and Roy managed to buy enough time for Mollie to heal the Wooper, who then told it that the visitors were friendly. Seeing this, Arboliva calmed down and thanked Mollie for her actions. Appearing to understand why they came to the forest, Arboliva then picked up Liko and Roy, showing the devastation that the wildfire brought to its forest.[1]

Liko then decided to help the forest recover from the fire and worked with her friends to restore it. Arboliva was pleased with their efforts before resonating with Liko's pendant. It then returned into its ancient Poké Ball.[2]

When Liko, Roy and Dot confronted Spinel after he stole her pendant, the Poké Ball housing Arboliva resonated with the pendant in the ensuing battle. When Spinel ordered Umbreon to intercept her, Arboliva emerged from the Poké Ball, angrily staring at him, after which he backed off at Umbreon's urging. It then collected Liko, Roy and Dot before jumping into the sea and swimming back to shore, where they were spotted by the rest of the Rising Volt Tacklers and presumably returned into its Poké Ball after they were picked up.[3]

Known moves[]




  1. ^ Fumihiro, Ueno (Director) (2023, June 16). "Arboliva's Forest" (Pokémon Horizons: The Series, 011) [Episode]. From Pokémon Horizons: The Series. OLM, Inc..
  2. ^ Junya, Koshiba (Director) (2023, June 23). "The Future I Choose!" (Pokémon Horizons: The Series, 012) [Episode]. From Pokémon Horizons: The Series. OLM, Inc..
  3. ^ Hiroaki, Takagi (Director) (2023, August 4). "Quaxly, We Can Do It!" (Pokémon Horizons: The Series, 016) [Episode]. From Pokémon Horizons: The Series. OLM, Inc..