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This article provides a complete list of Gym Badges.

Indigo League[]

Badge Information
Boulder Badge The Boulder Badge is given out at the Pewter City Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Brock.
Abilities: The Boulder Badge allows for the HM Flash to be used outside of battle. Additionally, it will raise the attack stat of the player's Pokémon.
Cascade Badge The Cascade Badge (ブルーバッジ Blue Badge) is given out at the Cerulean City Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Misty.
Abilities: The Cascade Badge allows for the HM Cut to be used outside of battle. Additionally, it will allow for Pokémon up to level 30 to obey their Trainer.
Thunder Badge The Thunder Badge (オレンジバッジ Orange Badge) is given out at the Vermilion City Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Lt. Surge.
Abilities: The Thunder Badge allows for the HM Fly to be used outside of battle. Additionally, it will raise the speed stat of the player's Pokémon.
VSLt. Surge
Lt. Surge
Rainbow Badge The Rainbow Badge (レインボーバッジ Rainbow Badge) is given out at the Celadon City Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Erika.
Abilities: The Rainbow Badge allows for the HM Strength to be used outside of battle. Additionally, it will allow for Pokémon up to level 50 to obey their Trainer.
Soul Badge The Soul Badge (ピンクバッジ Pink Badge) is given out at the Fuchsia City Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Koga. In Pokémon Gold, Silver and Crystal, the Gym Leader and the one who gives out the badge is Koga's daughter Janine.
Abilities: The Soul Badge allows for the HM Surf to be used outside of battle. Additionally, it will raise the defense stat of the player's Pokémon.
Marsh Badge The Marsh Badge (ゴールドバッジ Gold Badge) is given out at the Saffron City Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Sabrina.
Abilities: The Marsh Badge allows for the HM Rock Smash to be used outside of battle, but only in the FireRed and LeafGreen games. Additionally, it will allow for Pokémon up to level 70 to obey their Trainer.
Volcano Badge The Volcano Badge (クリムゾンバッジ Crimson Badge) is given out at the Cinnabar Island Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Blaine.
Abilities: The Volcano Badge allows for the HM Waterfall to be used outside of battle, but only in the FireRed and LeafGreen games. Additionally, it will raise the special stats of the player's Pokémon.
Earth Badge The Earth Badge (グリーンバッジ Green Badge) is given out at the Viridian City Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Giovanni. In Pokémon Gold, Silver and Crystal, the Gym Leader and the one who gives out the badge is Blue.
Abilities: The Earth Badge is the final badge in the game, and upon receiving it, the player can challenge the Kanto Elite Four, or in the anime, participate in the Indigo League. Additionally, it will allow for all Pokémon to obey their Trainer. In HeartGold/SoulSilver it allows you to use the HM Rock Climb outside of battle.

Johto League[]

Badge Information
Zephyr Badge The Zephyr Badge (ウイングバッジ Wing Badge) is given out at the Violet City Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Falkner.
Abilities: The Zephyr Badge allows for the HM Flash to be used outside of battle. Additionally, it will raise the attack stat of the player's Pokémon. In Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver, traded Pokémon up to Level 20 will obey the player. It allows the user to use the HM Rock Smash outside of battle.
Hive Badge The Hive Badge (インセクトバッジ Insect Badge) is given out at the Azalea Town Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Bugsy.
Abilities: The Hive Badge allows for the HM Cut to be used outside of battle. Additionally, it will allow for Pokémon up to level 30 to obey their Trainer.
Plain Badge The Plain Badge (レギュラーバッジ Regular Badge) is given out at the Goldenrod City Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Whitney.
Abilities: The Plain Badge allows for the HM Strength to be used outside of battle. Additionally, it will raise the speed stat of the player's Pokémon.
Fog Badge The Fog Badge (ファントムバッジ Phantom Badge) is given out at the Ecruteak City Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Morty.
Abilities: The Fog Badge allows for the HM Surf to be used outside of battle. Additionally, it will allow for Pokémon up to level 50 to obey their Trainer.
Storm Badge The Storm Badge (ショックバッジ Shock Badge) is given out at the Cianwood City Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Chuck.
Abilities: The Storm Badge allows for the HM Fly to be used outside of battle. Additionally, in Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver it will allow for Pokémon up to level 60 to obey their Trainer.
Mineral Badge The Mineral Badge (スチールバッジ Steel Badge) is given out at the Olivine City Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Jasmine.
Abilities: The Mineral Badge in Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver will allow Pokémon up to level 70 to obey their Trainer.
Glacier Badge The Glacier Badge (アイスバッジ Ice Badge) is given out at the Mahogany Town Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Pryce.
Abilities: The Glacier Badge allows for the HM Whirlpool to be used outside of battle. Additionally, it will raise the special stats of the player's Pokémon.
Rising Badge The Rising Badge (Rising Badge) is given out at the Blackthorn City Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Clair.
Abilities: The Rising Badge allows for the HM Waterfall to be used outside of battle. This is also the final badge in the game, and upon receiving it, the player can challenge the Johto Elite Four, or in the anime, participate in the Johto League. Additionally, it will allow for all Pokémon to obey their Trainer.

Hoenn League[]

Badge Information
Stone Badge The Stone Badge (ストーンバッジ Stone Badge) is given out at the Rustboro City Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Roxanne.
Abilities: The Stone Badge allows for the HM Cut to be used outside of battle. Additionally, it will raise the attack stat of the player's Pokémon.
Roxanne VS ORAS

Knuckle Badge
The Knuckle Badge (ナックルバッジ Knuckle Badge) is given out at the Dewford Town Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Brawly.
Abilities: The Knuckle Badge allows for the HM Flash to be used outside of battle. Additionally, it will allow for Pokémon up to level 30 to obey their Trainer.
Brawly VS ORAS

Dynamo Badge The Dynamo Badge (ダイナモバッジ Dynamo Badge) is given out at the Mauville City Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Wattson.
Abilities: The Dynamo Badge allows for the HM Rock Smash to be used outside of battle. Additionally, it will raise the speed stat of the player's Pokémon.
Wattson VS ORAS

Heat Badge The Heat Badge (ヒートバッジ Heat Badge) is given out at the Lavaridge Town Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Flannery.
Abilities: The Heat Badge allows for the HM Strength to be used outside of battle. Additionally, it will allow for Pokémon up to level 50 to obey their Trainer.
Flannery VS ORAS

Balance Badge The Balance Badge (バランスバッジ Balance Badge) is given out at the Petalburg City Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Norman, the player's father.
Abilities: The Balance Badge allows for the HM Surf to be used outside of battle. Additionally, it will raise the defense stat of the player's Pokémon.
Norman VS ORAS

Feather Badge The Feather Badge (フェザーバッジ Feather Badge) is given out at the Fortree City Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Winona.
Abilities: The Feather Badge allows for the HM Fly to be used outside of battle. Additionally, it will allow for Pokémon up to level 70 to obey their Trainer.
Winona VS ORAS

Mind Badge The Mind Badge (マインドバッジ Mind Badge) is given out at the Mossdeep City Gym, held by the twin Gym Leaders, Tate & Liza.
Abilities: The Mind Badge allows for the HM Dive to be used outside of battle. Additionally, it will raise the special stats of the player's Pokémon.
Tate and Liza VS ORAS

Tate & Liza
Rain Badge The Rain Badge (レインバッジ Rain Badge) is given out at the Sootopolis City Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Wallace. In Pokémon Emerald, the Gym Leader and the one who gives out the badge is Juan.
Abilities: The Rain Badge allows for the HM Waterfall to be used outside of battle. This is also the final badge in the game, and upon receiving it, the player can challenge the Hoenn Elite Four, or in the anime, participate in the Hoenn League. Additionally, it will allow for all Pokémon to obey their Trainer.
Wallace VS ORAS

Juan B2W2

Sinnoh League[]

Badge Information
Coal Badge The Coal Badge is given out at the Oreburgh City Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Roark.
Abilities: The Coal Badge allows for the HM Rock Smash to be used outside of battle.
Forest Badge The Forest Badge is given out at the Eterna City Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Gardenia.
Abilities: The Forest Badge allows for the HM Cut to be used outside of battle. Additionally, once this second badge is obtained, Pokémon up to level 30 to obey their Trainer.
Cobble Badge The Cobble Badge is given out at the Veilstone City Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Maylene.
Abilities: The Cobble Badge allows for the HM Fly to be used outside of battle. In Platinum, Maylene is the 4th gym leader.
Fen Badge The Fen Badge is given out at the Pastoria City Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Crasher Wake.
Abilities: The Fen Badge allows for the HM Defog to be used outside of battle. Additionally, once this fourth badge is obtained, Pokémon up to level 50 to obey their Trainer. In Platinum, the Fen Badge allows for the HM Surf to be used outside of battle.
VSCrasher Wake
Crasher Wake
Relic Badge The Relic Badge is given out at the Hearthome City Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Fantina.
Abilities: The Relic Badge allows for the HM Surf to be used outside of battle. In Platinum, the Relic Badge allows for the HM Defog to be used outside of battle.
Mine Badge The Mine Badge is given out at the Canalave City Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Byron.
Abilities: The Mine Badge allows for the HM Strength to be used outside of battle. Additionally, once this sixth badge is obtained, Pokémon up to level 70 will obey their Trainer.
Icicle Badge The Icicle Badge is given out at the Snowpoint City Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Candice.
Abilities: The Icicle Badge allows for the HM Rock Climb to be used outside of battle.
Beacon Badge The Beacon Badge is given out at the Sunyshore City Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Volkner.
Abilities: The Beacon Badge allows for the HM Waterfall to be used outside of battle. This is also the final badge in the game, and upon receiving it, the player can challenge the Sinnoh Elite Four, or in the anime, participate in the Sinnoh League. Additionally, since it is the eighth badge, it will allow for all Pokémon to obey their Trainer.

Unova League[]

Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version[]

Badge Information
Trio Badge The Trio Badge is given out at the Striaton City Gym, held by the Gym Leaders, Cilan, Chili, & Cress.
Abilities: The Trio Badge allows for the HM Cut to be used outside of battle. Additionally, once this first badge is obtained, Pokémon up to level 20 to obey their Trainer.
Cilan 0501
Chili 0495
Cress 0498
Basic Badge The Basic Badge is given out at the Nacrene City Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Lenora.
Abilities: The Basic Badge will make Pokémon up to level 30 to obey their Trainer.
Insect Badge The Insect Badge is given out at the Castelia City Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Burgh.
Abilities: The Insect Badge will make Pokémon up to level 40 to obey their Trainer.
Bolt Badge The Bolt Badge is given out at the Nimbasa City Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Elesa.
Abilities: The Bolt Badge allows for the HM Strength to be used outside of battle. Additionally, once this fourth badge is obtained, Pokémon up to level 50 to obey their Trainer.
Quake Badge The Quake Badge is given out at the Driftveil City Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Clay.
Abilities: The Quake Badge allows for the HM Fly to be used outside of battle. Additionally, once this fifth badge is obtained, Pokémon up to level 60 to obey their Trainer.
Jet Badge The Jet Badge is given out at the Mistralton City Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Skyla.
Abilities: The Jet Badge allows for the HM Surf to be used outside of battle. Additionally, once this sixth badge is obtained, Pokémon up to level 70 will obey their Trainer.
Freeze Badge The Freeze Badge is given out at the Icirrus City Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Brycen.
Abilities: The Freeze Badge allows for the HM Waterfall to be used outside of battle. Additionally, once this seventh badge is obtained, Pokémon up to level 80 will obey their Trainer.
Legend Badge The Legend Badge is given out at the Opelucid City Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Drayden or Iris.
Abilities: The Legend Badge allows for the HM Dive to be used outside of battle. This is also the final badge in the game, and upon receiving it, the player can challenge the Unova Elite Four, or in the anime, participate in the Unova League. Additionally, since it is the eighth badge, it will make all Pokémon to obey their Trainer.
Drayden Black icon
VSIris (game)
Iris White icon

Pokémon Black Version 2 and Pokémon White Version 2[]

Badge Information
Basic Badge The Basic Badge is given out at the Aspertia City Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Cheren.
Abilities: The Basic Badge will make Pokémon up to level 20 to obey their Trainer.
Toxic Badge The Toxic Badge is given out at the Virbank City Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Roxie.
Abilities: The Basic Badge will make Pokémon up to level 30 to obey their Trainer.
Insect Badge The Insect Badge is given out at the Castelia City Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Burgh.
Abilities: The Insect Badge will make Pokémon up to level 40 to obey their Trainer.
Bolt Badge The Bolt Badge is given out at the Nimbasa City Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Elesa.
Abilities: The Bolt Badge will make Pokémon up to level 50 to obey their Trainer.
Quake Badge The Quake Badge is given out at the Driftveil City Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Clay.
Abilities: The Quake Badge will make Pokémon up to level 60 to obey their Trainer.
Jet Badge The Jet Badge is given out at the Mistralton City Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Skyla.
Abilities: The Jet Badge will make Pokémon up to level 70 to obey their Trainer.
Legend Badge The Legend Badge is given out at the Opelucid City Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Drayden.
Abilities: The Legend Badge will make Pokémon up to level 80 to obey their Trainer.
Wave Badge The Wave Badge is given out at the Humilau City Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Marlon.
Abilities: The Wave Badge will make Pokémon all Pokémon obey their Trainer.
Marlon VS B2W2

Kalos League[]

Badge Information
Bug Badge Viola The Bug Badge (バグバッジ Bug Badge) is given out at the Santalune City Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Viola.
Abilities: The Bug Badge allows for the HM Cut to be used outside of battle. Additionally, it will allow for Pokémon up to level 30 to obey their Trainer.
Cliff Badge The Cliff Badge (ウォールバッジ Wall Badge) is given out at the Cyllage City Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Grant.
Abilities: The Cliff Badge allows for the HM Strength to be used outside of battle. Additionally, it will allow for Pokémon up to level 40 to obey their Trainer.
Vs. Grant
Rumble Badge The Rumble Badge (ファイトバッジ Fight Badge) is given out at the Shalour City Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Korrina.
Abilities: The Rumble Badge allows for the HM Surf to be used outside of battle. Additionally, it will allow for Pokémon up to level 50 to obey their Trainer.
VS Korrina
Plant Badge The Plant Badge (プラントバッジ Plant Badge) is given out at the Coumarine City Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Ramos.
Abilities: The Plant Badge allows for the HM Fly to be used outside of battle. Additionally, it will allow for Pokémon up to level 60 to obey their Trainer.
Voltage Badge The Voltage Badge (ボルテージバッジ Voltage Badge) is given out at the Lumiose City Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Clemont.
Abilities: The Voltage Badge allows for Pokémon up to level 70 to obey their Trainer.
Fairy Badge XY The Fairy Badge (フェアリーバッジ Fairy Badge) is given out at the Laverre City Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Valerie.
Abilities: The Fairy Badge allows for Pokémon up to level 80 to obey their Trainer.
Psychic Badge The Psychic Badge (サイキックバッジ Psychic Badge) is given out at the Anistar City Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Olympia.
Abilities: The Psychic Badge allows for Pokémon up to level 90 to obey their Trainer.
Iceberg Badge The Iceberg Badge (アイスバーグバッジ Iceberg Badge)is given out at the Snowbelle City Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Wulfric.
Abilities: The Iceberg Badge allows for the HM Waterfall to be used outside of battle. Additionally, all Pokémon will obey their Trainer.

Galar League[]

Pokémon Sword[]

Badge Information
Grass Badge The Grass Badge is given out at the Turffield Stadium, held by the Gym Leader Milo.
Abilities: Once this first badge is obtained, Pokémon up to level 25 will obey their Trainer.
Milo League Card
Water Badge The Water Badge is given out at the Hulbury Stadium, held by the Gym Leader Nessa.
Abilities: The Water Badge will make Pokémon up to level 30 obey their Trainer.
Nessa League Card
Fire Badge The Fire Badge is given out at the Motostoke Stadium, held by the Gym Leader Kabu.
Abilities: The Fire Badge will make Pokémon up to level 35 obey their Trainer.
Kabu League Card
Fighting Badge The Fighting Badge is given out at the Stow-on-Side Stadium, held by the Gym Leader Bea.
Abilities: The Fighting Badge allows for Pokémon up to level 40 to obey their Trainer.
Bea League Card
Fairy Badge The Fairy Badge is given out at the Ballonlea Stadium, held by the Gym Leader Opal, and later Bede.
Abilities: The Fairy Badge allows for Pokémon up to level 45 to obey their Trainer.
Opal League Card
Bede Gym Leader League Card
Rock Badge The Rock Badge is given out at the Circhester Stadium, held by the Gym Leader Gordie.
Abilities: The Rock Badge allows for Pokémon up to level 50 to obey their Trainer.
Gordie League Card
Dark Badge The Dark Badge is given out at the Spikemuth Stadium, held by the Gym Leader Piers, and later Marnie.
Abilities: The Dark Badge allows for Pokémon up to level 55 to obey their Trainer.
Piers League Card
Marnie League Card
Dragon Badge The Dragon Badge is given out at the Hammerlocke Stadium, held by the Gym Leader Raihan.
Abilities: The Dragon Badge allows all Pokémon to obey their Trainer.
Raihan League Card

Pokémon Shield[]

Badge Information
Grass Badge The Grass Badge is given out at the Turffield Stadium, held by the Gym Leader Milo.
Abilities: Once this first badge is obtained, Pokémon up to level 25 will obey their Trainer.
Milo League Card
Water Badge The Water Badge is given out at the Hulbury Stadium, held by the Gym Leader Nessa.
Abilities: The Water Badge will make Pokémon up to level 30 obey their Trainer.
Nessa League Card
Fire Badge The Fire Badge is given out at the Motostoke Stadium, held by the Gym Leader Kabu.
Abilities: The Fire Badge will make Pokémon up to level 35 obey their Trainer.
Kabu League Card
Ghost Badge The Ghost Badge is given out at the Stow-on-Side Stadium, held by the Gym Leader Allister.
Abilities: The Ghost Badge allows for Pokémon up to level 40 to obey their Trainer.
Allister League Card
Fairy Badge The Fairy Badge is given out at the Ballonlea Stadium, held by the Gym Leader Opal, and later Bede.
Abilities: The Fairy Badge allows for Pokémon up to level 45 to obey their Trainer.
Opal League Card
Bede Gym Leader League Card
Ice Badge The Ice Badge is given out at the Circhester Stadium, held by the Gym Leader Melony.
Abilities: The Ice Badge allows for Pokémon up to level 50 to obey their Trainer.
Melony League Card
Dark Badge The Dark Badge is given out at the Spikemuth Stadium, held by the Gym Leader Piers, and later Marnie.
Abilities: The Dark Badge allows for Pokémon up to level 55 to obey their Trainer.
Piers League Card
Marnie Gym Leader League Card
Dragon Badge The Dragon Badge is given out at the Hammerlocke Stadium, held by the Gym Leader Raihan.
Abilities: The Dragon Badge allows all Pokémon to obey their Trainer, who can likewise catch Pokémon of any level.
Raihan League Card

Paldea League[]

The Paldea League badges are unnamed, but include a badge for each of these types: Bug, Grass, Electric, Water, Normal, Ghost, Psychic, and Ice.

Badge Information
Bug Badge SV The Bug Badge is given out at the Cortondo Gym, held by the Gym Leader Katy.

Grass Badge SV The Grass Badge is given out at the Artazon Gym, held by the Gym Leader Brassius.

Electric Badge SV The Electric Badge is given out at the Levincia Gym, held by the Gym Leader Iono.

Water Badge SV The Water Badge is given out at the Cascarrafa Gym, held by the Gym Leader Kofu.

Normal Badge SV The Normal Badge is given out at the Medali Gym, held by the Gym Leader Larry.

Ghost Badge SV The Ghost Badge is given out at the Montenevera Gym, held by the Gym Leader Ryme.

Psychic Badge SV The Psychic Badge is given out at the Alfornada Gym, held by the Gym Leader Tulip.

Ice Badge SV The Ice Badge is given out at the Glaseado Gym, held by the Gym Leader Grusha.


Anime exclusive[]

The Orange Islands[]

Badge Information
Coral-Eye Badge The Coral-Eye Badge is given out at the Mikan Island Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Cissy.
Info: In order to obtain this badge, Trainers are required to participate in an accuracy test and a race against its holder, Cissy. This badge is the first of four in the Orange League.
SeaRuby Badge The Sea Ruby Badge is given out at the Navel Island Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Danny.
Info: In order to obtain this badge, Trainers must first climb a nearby mountain without the aid of their Pokémon, in order to qualify for further challenges. Should a Trainer qualify, they must then choose one Pokémon to help them build a bobsled-device in a race against Danny, and then race him down the mountain. This badge is the second of four badges in the Orange Island League.
Danny anime
SpikeShell Badge The Spike Shell Badge is given out at the Trovita Island Gym, held by the Gym Leader, Rudy.
Info: In order to obtain this badge, Trainers must first participate in an accuracy test similar to the other Gym Leader, Cissy. Should the challenger pass this test, they will face Rudy in a three-on-three, same-type Pokémon battle. This badge is the third of four in the Orange Island League.
JadeStar Badge The Jade Star Badge is given out at the Kumquat Island Gym, by the Gym Leader, Luana.
Info: In order to obtain this badge, Trainers defeat the Gym Leader, Luana, in a double battle with her Marowak and Alakazam. This is the final badge of four in the Orange  League.


Unidentified badges[]
