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Pokémon Wiki

Limestone Cavern is a dungeon in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky. It can only be accessed during the fourth Special Episode "Here Comes Team Charm!" and is the last dungeon of the episode.

The cavern lies hidden beyond an illusionary wall and at the end of the cavern is a Time Gear. The Time Gear is guarded by a Ditto who uses his transformation abilities to protect the Time Gear by deterring explorers, turning them against each other, and even disguising himself as an empty chest to make explorers think the treasure is already gone. Grovyle goes to the cavern to steal his second Time Gear.


Limestone Cavern[]

Pokémon Floors Lv. Recruit rate
0099Kingler MD Kingler B1-5 36 Unrecruitable
0183Marill MD Marill B1-5 40 Unrecruitable
0199Slowking MD Slowking B1-5 43 Unrecruitable
0313Volbeat MD Volbeat B1-5 30 Unrecruitable
0314Illumise MD Illumise B1-5 30 Unrecruitable
0336Seviper MD Seviper B1-5 24 Unrecruitable
0148Dragonair MD Dragonair B5 37 Unrecruitable

Deep Limestone Cave[]

Pokémon Floors Lv. Recruit rate
0148Dragonair MD Dragonair B1-4 38 Unrecruitable
0142Aerodactyl MD Aerodactyl B1-5 33 Unrecruitable
0284Masquerain MD Masquerain B1-5 30 Unrecruitable
0313Volbeat MD Volbeat B1-5 30 Unrecruitable
0314Illumise MD Illumise B1-5 30 Unrecruitable
0336Seviper MD Seviper B2-5 25-26 Unrecruitable
0061Poliwhirl MD Poliwhirl B2-5 29 Unrecruitable
0051Dugtrio MD Dugtrio B4-5 37 Unrecruitable

Limestone Cavern Depths[]

Pokémon Floors Lv. Recruit rate
0024Arbok MD Arbok Depths 26 Unrecruitable
0461Weavile MD Weavile Depths 33 Unrecruitable
0452Drapion MD Drapion Depths 29 Unrecruitable


The Time Gear shown in Limestone Cavern is the same one seen in the title screen of Explorers of Sky.
