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Let's Join Hands (Japanese()をつなごう, HepburnTe o Tsunagou) is the sixth and final Japanese ending theme of the Best Wishes series.



TV Size[]

♪ だれのせいでもないけど きみは(みち)でころんで そのままそこに寝転(ねころ)び (あお)(そら)見上(みあ)げた ほほをつたう(なみだ)の きらめき(かざ)りじゃなり ()きてることのよろこび 今忘(いまわす)れちゃいけない (ひざ)をついて ()()がった きみの背中(せなか)にしみた (どろ)だらけの 傷跡(きずあと)(いた)みは エールで

きみと()をつなごう つらいときはもっと ゼロからはじめよう ほら ほら ()をつなごう みんな()をつなごう つらいときはもっと (ちから)()わせよう ほら ほら ()をつなごう ずっと ずっと ()をつなごう ♪

Full Version[]

♪ みんな()をつなごう つらいときはもっと (ちから)()わせよう ほら ほら ()をつなごう

みんな()をつなごう つらいときはもっと (ちから)()わせよう ほら ほら ()をつなごう

だれのせいでもないけど きみは(みち)でころんで そのままそこに寝転(ねころ)び (あお)(そら)見上(みあ)げた ほほをつたう(なみだ)の きらめき(かざ)りじゃなり ()きてることのよろこび 今忘(いまわす)れちゃいけない (ひざ)をついて ()()がった きみの背中(せなか)にしみた (どろ)だらけの 傷跡(きずあと)(いた)みは エールで

きみと()をつなごう つらいときはもっと ゼロからはじめよう ほら ほら ()をつなごう みんな()をつなごう つらいときはもっと (ちから)()わせよう ほら ほら ()をつなごう

きみのだいじな友達(ともだち) (いま)はもうここにいない あんなに約束(やくそく)してた (おな)(ゆめ)まざそうと たとえどんなに(ちい)さく まるで無力(むりょく)なきみでも いつか()わした約束(やくそく) ()たせる()(しん)じよう (かた)をすぼめ うつむいてる ()()しそうなきみも 勇気出(ゆうきだ)して また(ある)きだそうよ 明日(あした)

きみと()をつなごう つらいときはもっと イチからはじめよう ほら ほら ()をつなごう

夜空(よぞら)に((ほし)に)(とど)(あい)よ みんなの((ねがい)いが)つながってゆくように 未来(みらい)

きみと()をつなごう つらいときはもっと ここからはじめよう ほら ほら ()をつなごう みんな()をつなごう つらいときはもっと (ちから)()わせよう ほら ほら ()をつなごう

きみと()をつなごう (たの)しいときはもっと 一緒(いっしょ)()をつなごう ほら ほら ()をつなごう みんな()をつなごう (あか)るく微笑(ほほえ)もう (ちから)()わせよう もっと もっと ()をつなごう ずっと ずっと ()をつなごう ♪


TV Size[]

♪ It's not anybody's fault when you fall down the road Just lie down and look at the blue sky The tear flowing down your cheek is not a glimmering decoration Do not forget the joy of life today Got off your knees and stood up Your back is stained But the pain of the mud-covered scar is cheering you on

Let's join hands, even more in painful times Let's start from zero. Hey, hey, let's join hands Everyone join hands, even more in painful times Let's work together. Hey, hey, let's join hands Let's always, always join hands. ♪

Full Version[]

♪ Everyone join hands, even more in painful times Let's work together. Hey, hey, let's join hands

Everyone join hands, even more in painful times Let's work together. Hey, hey, let's join hands

It's not anybody's fault when you fall down the road Just lie down and look at the blue sky The tear flowing down your cheek is not a glimmering decoration Do not forget the joy of life today Got off your knees and stood up, your back is stained But the pain of the mud-covered scar is cheering you on

Let's join hands, even more in painful times Let's start from zero. Hey, hey, let's join hands Everyone join hands, even more in painful times Let's work together. Hey, hey, let's join hands

Your most important friend is not here right now But please aim for that promise and that same dream No matter how small your strength is, even to the point of helplessness Please believe on the day our promise will be fulfilled Huddling up and hanging your head in shame, you cry Just gather up your courage as you head for tomorrow

Let's join hands, even more in painful times Let's start from one. Hey, hey, let's join hands.

The love conveyed to the night sky (and to the stars) Everyone's (wishes) is bonded together as we head for the future

Let's join hands, even more in painful times Let's start from here. Hey, hey, let's join hands Everyone join hands, even more in painful times Let's work together. Hey, hey, let's join hands

Let's join hands, even more in happy times Together, let's join hands. Hey, hey, let's join hands Everyone join hands and smile brightly even more Let's work together. More, more, let's join hands Let's always, always join hands ♪
