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Pokémon Wiki

Keanan is a character appearing in Pokémon the Series: XY Kalos Quest.


Pokémon the Series: XY[]

Keanan is a ranger of the swamplands in which Ash's Goodra lived as a Goomy. One day, a Florges, with an army of bug-type Pokémon, attacked the homelands, claiming a part of the territory. Later, when Keanan was passing by, he noticed Goodra and recognized it to be Goomy, who had evolved. He took the heroes and Goodra back to the swamplands, explaining what happened. Ash wanted to battle Florges, but Keanan stopped him, since this is a problem only Pokémon must face, but allowed Ash to at least cheer for Goodra. After the battle, Goodra was injured by Shadow Ball and Psybeam; Clemont reported this to Keanan, who got suspicious, since no Pokémon should know Shadow Ball and Psybeam. During the night, Ash's Pikachu, Clemont's Dedenne and Wooper (who was Goodra's friend) were abducted, so the heroes went after them, while Keanan realized someone was stealing the water from the swamplands.

The heroes encountered Team Rocket, who flew off with the water and the captured Pokémon, Pikachu, Dedenne and Wooper. After Ash arrived on their airplane with Goodra and Florges and defeated them, Keanan was saddened by the fact the swamplands will dry off without water. Goodra used Rain Dance and Florges used Grassy Terrain, reviving the swamplands, allowing Keanan to continue protecting the place.

Keanan was seen watching the Pokémon Showcase Master Class on television along with the Pokémon from the marshlands. He also voted for the best performance for each round.

During the Kalos League, he appeared in his truck to give Goodra back to Ash before his semifinal battle with Sawyer.


On hand[]

Looks after[]

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Since Ash had released Goodra, it remains in the swamplands, protected by Keanan.

Swanna are Pokémon that live in the swamplands, guarded by Keanan. They lived in the swamplands, until Florges came with her army, but managed to find a place in the swamplands to live in harmony.
Swanna (multiple)

Lotad are Pokémon that live in the swamplands, guarded by Keanan. They lived in the swamplands, until Florges came with her army, but managed to find a place in the swamplands to live in harmony.
Wooper (multiple)

Gulpin are Pokémon that live in the swamplands, guarded by Keanan. They lived in the swamplands, until Florges came with her army, but managed to find a place in the swamplands to live in harmony.
Gulpin (multiple)

Lotad are Pokémon that live in the swamplands, guarded by Keanan. They lived in the swamplands, until Florges came with her army, but managed to find a place in the swamplands to live in harmony.
Lotad (multiple)

Quagsire are Pokémon that live in the swamplands, guarded by Keanan. They lived in the swamplands, until Florges came with her army, but managed to find a place in the swamplands to live in harmony.
Quagsire (multiple)

Pinsir are Pokémon that live in the swamplands, guarded by Keanan. Originally, they invaded the swamplands, but managed to find an area to settle in.
Pinsir (multiple)

Yanmega are Pokémon that live in the swamplands, guarded by Keanan. Originally, they invaded the swamplands, but managed to find an area to settle in.
Yanmega (multiple)

Ariados are Pokémon that live in the swamplands, guarded by Keanan. Originally, they invaded the swamplands, but managed to find an area to settle in.
Ariados (multiple)

Beedrill are Pokémon that live in the swamplands, guarded by Keanan. Originally, they invaded the swamplands, but managed to find an area to settle in.
Beedrill (multiple)

Seviper are Pokémon that live in the swamplands, guarded by Keanan. Originally, they invaded the swamplands, but managed to find an area to settle in.
Seviper (2x)

Originally invading the swamplands, Florges stayed in a cave to protect her child, a Floette. Florges attacked Goodra, who came for revenge, even ordering her army to capture Wooper and Pikachu. After Team Rocket got blasted off, Florges helped the swamp thrive back and remained in the area to protect it.

Floette was Florges' child, who was to rest in a cave from an illness. Due to the lack of water, Floette couldn't be cured, but Goodra's Rain Dance helped Floette feel better.

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Carbink (multiple)

