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Pokémon Wiki
Pokémon Wiki

Inferno Cave is a Dungeon in Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky. It is unlocked upon reaching the Guildmaster rank. The dungeon has several restrictions: money cannot be brought into the dungeon, only eight items can be brought in, only one Pokémon can enter, and rescues cannot be called for.

Inferno Cave is located on the east end of the volcanic island on the Wonder Map.


Entei only appears once for his Challenge Letter

Pokémon Floors Lv. Recruit rate
0316Gulpin MD Gulpin B1-8 64-66 Unrecruitable
0092Gastly MD Gastly B1-10 64-67 Unrecruitable
0322Numel MD Numel B1-10 64-67 Unrecruitable
0408Cranidos MD Cranidos B1-10 64-67 Unrecruitable
0126Magmar MD Magmar B1-13 64-67 Unrecruitable
0425Drifloon MD Drifloon B1-14 64-68 Unrecruitable
0353Shuppet MD Shuppet B1-15 64-68 Unrecruitable
0037Vulpix MD Vulpix B1-19 64-69 Unrecruitable
0078Rapidash MD Rapidash B1-29 64-69 Unrecruitable
0157Typhlosion MD Typhlosion B1-29 64-69 Unrecruitable
0164Noctowl MD Noctowl B1-29 64-69 Unrecruitable
0200Misdreavus MD Misdreavus B1-29 64-69 Unrecruitable
0306Aggron MD Aggron B1-29 64-69 Unrecruitable
0317Swalot MD Swalot B9-29 66-69 Unrecruitable
0323Camerupt MD Camerupt B11-18 67-69 Unrecruitable
0093Haunter MD Haunter B11-20 67-69 Unrecruitable
0409Rampardos MD Rampardos B11-29 67-69 Unrecruitable
0244Entei MD Entei B15-29 65 100%
0426Drifblim MD Drifblim B15-29 68-69 Unrecruitable
0467Magmortar MD Magmortar B15-29 68-69 Unrecruitable
0354Banette MD Banette B16-29 69 Unrecruitable
0324Torkoal MD Torkoal B19-29 69 Unrecruitable
0094Gengar MD Gengar 21-29 69 Unrecruitable
