In Your Heart, LaLaLa (Japanese: 君の胸にLaLaLa, Hepburn: Kimi no Mune ni LaLaLa) is the sixth and final Japanese ending theme of the Diamond and Pearl series.
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♪ 君の胸に La La La 夢を描け La La La 心から願えば きっと叶うから 同じ空に La La La 聴こえて来る La La La 響き合う Melody 勇気の鐘鳴らすだろう
君が溢れて来る 風が通る草の道 陽炎揺れるその向こう 眩しい笑顔そのままかな・・・
何もかもひとりじゃさ 上手くはね行かないけど 少しずつ一歩ずつ GO SHINE 進もう
僕の胸に La La La 届いて来る La La La 挫けた時には 聴こえるその声 同じ時を La La La 歩んでゆく La La La いつまでも僕ら ずうっとスペシャルな仲間さ ♪
DP 191[]
♪ 君の胸に La La La 夢を描け La La La 心から願えば きっと叶うから 同じ空に La La La 聴こえて来る La La La 響き合う Melody 勇気の鐘鳴らすだろう
生まれてからいつも 誰かに守られてきた そしていつか胸の中 譲れない夢 芽生えたね
時間はさ 一秒も巻き戻しできないから 振り向かず恐れずに GO SMILE 掴もう
僕の胸に La La La 届いて来る La La La 挫けた時には 聴こえるその声 同じ時を La La La 歩んでゆく La La La いつまでも僕ら ずうっとスペシャルな仲間さ ♪
Full Version[]
♪ 君の胸に La La La 夢を描け La La La 心から願えば きっと叶うから 同じ空に La La La 聴こえて来る La La La 響き合う Melody 勇気の鐘鳴らすだろう
君が溢れて来る 風が通る草の道 陽炎揺れるその向こう 眩しい笑顔そのままかな・・・
何もかもひとりじゃさ 上手くはね行かないけど 少しずつ一歩ずつ GO SHINE 進もう
僕の胸に La La La 届いて来る La La La 挫けた時には 聴こえるその声 同じ時を La La La 歩んでゆく La La La いつまでも僕ら ずうっとスペシャルな仲間さ
生まれてからいつも 誰かに守られてきた そしていつか胸の中 譲れない夢 芽生えたね
時間はさ 一秒も巻き戻しできないから 振り向かず恐れずに GO SMILE 掴もう
君の胸に La La La 夢を描け La La La 誰より頑張る 君が好きだから 光る朝に La La La 風に乗って La La La 伝え合う思い きっと奇跡を起こすだろう
La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La 心から願えば きっと叶うから La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La 響き合う Melody 勇気の鐘鳴らすだろう ♪
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♪ In your heart, La La La, sketch a dream, La La La If you wish from your heart, I'm sure it'll be granted In the same sky, La La La, I can hear it, La La La The resonating melody; the bell of courage is ringing
You're overflowing; the wind passes through a grass path On the other side of the swaying heat haze, your dazzling smile, just like that...
No matter what it is, it doesn't go well alone But little by little, step by step, go shine, let's continue on
To my heart, La La La, it has arrived, La La La That voice I hear when I'm crushed The same moments, La La La, are walking along, La La La We'll always, always be special friends ♪
DP 191[]
♪ In your heart, La La La, sketch a dream, La La La If you wish from your heart, I'm sure it'll be granted In the same sky, La La La, I can hear it, La La La The resonating melody; the bell of courage is ringing
There will always be someone who would protect from the time of one's birth Then, the dream held on in one's heart would sprout someday
Time cannot flow backward, not even by a second Do not look back, do not be afraid, go smile, grab on to it
To my heart, La La La, it has arrived, La La La That voice I hear when I'm crushed The same moments, La La La, are walking along, La La La We'll always, always be special friends ♪
Full Version[]
♪ In your heart, La La La, sketch a dream, La La La If you wish from your heart, I'm sure it'll be granted In the same sky, La La La, I can hear it, La La La The resonating melody; the bell of courage is ringing
You're overflowing; the wind passes through a grass path On the other side of the swaying heat haze, your dazzling smile, just like that...
No matter what it is, it doesn't go well alone But little by little, step by step, go shine, let's continue on
To my heart, La La La, it has arrived, La La La That voice I hear when I'm crushed The same moments, La La La, are walking along, La La La We'll always, always be special friends
There will always be someone who would protect from the time of one's birth Then, the dream held on in one's heart would sprout someday
Time cannot flow backward, not even by a second Do not look back, do not be afraid, go smile, grab on to it
In your heart, La La La, sketch a dream, La La La I like you because you worked harder than anyone else In the radiant morning, La La La, riding the wind, La La La When we convey our feelings, a miracle will definitely happen
La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La If you wish from your heart, I'm sure it'll be granted La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La The resonating melody; the bell of courage is ringing ♪