Hoarfrost Tower is one of the six dungeons set aside for jobs titled "Legend of the Mysterious Ruins" in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity. These dungeons are mostly available for Multplayer with other Teams through Local Play but can be taken in single player Mode with only one pokmon to go in the Dungeon. All of these dungeons consist of only one floor, meaning that anyone who enters the dungeon is immediately cast into a boss fight. This Dungeon can be played through three different levels of difficulty depending the amount of Red Stars the mission has, each level with how powerful the boss is and what move sets it has. Rewards for completing the dungeon often include (but are not limited to) Heal Seed, Vile Seed, Gold Ribbon, and various scarves, bands, seeds. and Materials.
Recruitment is impossible in this dungeon.
Dungeon Inhabitants[]
Kyurem (1F)