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High Five! (Japanese: ハイタッチ!, HepburnHai Tatchi!) is the third opening theme song of the Japanese Diamond & Pearl series.

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♪ この(ほし)不思議(ふしぎ)()(もの)ポケットモンスター・・・ちぢめてポケモン!(いま)、サトシとヒカリとポケモンたちの出会(であ)いと冒険(ぼうけん)(たたか)いの物語(ものがたり)がはじまる! ♪


♪ The mysterious creatures of this plant The incredible world... of "Pokémon"! Now, the story of Ash Ketchum and Dawn Berlitz, and Pokémon, Their meetings, adventures, and battles Are about to begin! ♪



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♪ Hey Hey Hey! Hey Hey Hey!

けんか なかなおり またけんか ()いたいこと いっぱいあるけど いちばんは...... 「いてくれて ありがとう!」

(たび)はみちづれ ()はなさけ わかったような(かお)してるけど ほんとうは...... 「いてくれて うれしい!」

ナイスパートナー! ナイスライバル! おしてあげるよ ひぱってあげる ()あげる太陽(たいよう) なんだかまぶしくて Hey Hey Hey!

うまくいったら ハイタッチ! Hey Hey Hey! へこんじゃっても もとどおり いっしょ ならば あきらめるのは (はやい)いぜ! GO GO GO!

Hey Hey Hey! うまくいったね ハイタッチ! Hey Hey Hey! バトルあいてと ハンドシェイク! いっしならば もっと(とお)くに いけるぜ! GO GO GO! GO GO GO GO GO GO! ♪

Full Version[]

♪ Hey Hey Hey! Hey Hey Hey! Hey Hey Hey! Hey Hey Hey!

けんか なかなおり またけんか ()いたいこと いっぱいあるけど いちばんは...... 「いてくれて ありがとう!」

(たび)はみちづれ ()はなさけ わかったような(かお)してるけど ほんとうは...... 「いてくれて うれしい!」

ナイスパートナー! ナイスライバル! おしてあげるよ ひぱってあげる ()あげる太陽(たいよう) なんだかまぶしくて Hey Hey Hey!

うまくいったら ハイタッチ! Hey Hey Hey! へこんじゃっても もとどおり いっしょならば あきらめるのは (はやい)いぜ! GO GO GO!

ねまりさだめ バブルこうせん! たよりになる ポッチャマだけど ときどきは...... はずれちゃって めっちゃピンチ!

きあいこめて 10まんボルト おれのじまん ピカチュウだけど かんたんに...... ()てるわけじゃない!

ナイスパートナー! ナイスライバル! (こえ)かけあって フォローしあえば (おも)ったとおりに わざも()まりだす! Hey Hey Hey!

うまくいったら ハイタッチ! Hey Hey Hey! きょうの勝利(しょうり)は (わす)れない! いっしょならば...... どんなピンチも ()げてく! Hey Hey Hey!

(うで)をのばし ハイタッチ! Hey Hey Hey! 笑顔(えがお)いっぱい こころづよい いっしょならば...... つよいあいても ウェルカム! GO GO GO!

きょうも あしたも あさっても (たび)は ずっとつづいてくけど いつだって...... すぐそばに その笑顔(えがお)

きたへ みなめへ にしひがし 景色(けしき)くるくる ()わるけど どこにいたって...... いつも その笑顔(えがお)

ナイスパートナー! ナイスライバル! まもってくれるよ たすけてくれる ひろがる荒野(こうや)に (みち)がまっすぐに Hey Hey Hey!

(そら)のしたで ハイタッチ! Hey Hey Hey! ことばよりも わかりやすい! いっしょならば (ゆめ)にむかって とべるぜ! Hey Hey Hey!

うまくいったら ハイタッチ! Hey Hey Hey! へこんじゃっても もとどおり いっしょならば あきらめるのは (はやい)いぜ! GO GO GO!

Hey Hey Hey! うまくいったね ハイタッチ! Hey Hey Hey! バトルあいてと ハンドシェイク! いっしならば もっと(とお)くに いけるぜ! GO GO GO! GO GO GO GO GO GO! ♪


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♪ Hey Hey Hey! Hey Hey Hey!

We fight, make up, and then we fight again There are a lot of things I want to say to you But foremost... "Thanks for being here for me!"

Companions in this journey, compassion in the world I pretend to understand those things, but The truth is... "I'm happy you're here for me!"

Nice Partner! Nice Rival! I'll push you forward I'll pull you along The sun seems so dazzling when I look up at you for all! Hey Hey Hey!

If it all goes well, let's high touch! Hey Hey Hey! What's this feeling I've got tonight! As long as we are together I will not give up so easily! GO GO GO!

Hey Hey Hey! It all went well, so let's high touch! Hey Hey Hey! Shake hands with our opponent in battle As long as we're together We can go even further than before! GO GO GO! GO GO GO! GO GO GO! ♪

Full Version[]

♪ Hey Hey Hey! Hey Hey Hey! Hey Hey Hey! Hey Hey Hey!

We fight, make up, and then we fight again There are a lot of things I want to say to you But foremost... "Thanks for being here for me!"

Companions in this journey, compassion in the world I pretend to understand those things, but The truth is... "I'm happy you're here for me!"

Nice Partner! Nice Rival! I'll push you forward I'll pull you along The sun seems so dazzling when I look up at it Hey Hey Hey!

If it all goes well, let's high touch! Hey Hey Hey! If we're feeling down, we'll come right back! As long as we are together I will not give up so easily! GO GO GO!

Take aim with Bubble Beam! I've come to rely on Piplup, but Sometimes... I'll find myself in a mega pinch!

I let out a cry of "Thunderbolt!" Pikachu is my pride and joy, but To put it simply... That doesn't mean I'll win!

Nice Partner! Nice Rival! We may argue But as long as we follow each other I think we'll find a way to compromise! Hey Hey Hey!

It all went well, so let's high touch! Hey Hey Hey! I won't ever forget today's victory! As long as we're together We'll escape from any kind of pinch! Hey Hey Hey!

Extending our arms, let's high touch! Hey Hey Hey! Smiling this much is so heartwarming! As long as we're together Strong opponents are also welcome! GO GO GO!

Yeah Yeah Yeah! Yeah Yeah Yeah!

Through today, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow This journey goes forever on, but Always... Your smile is with me!

To the north, to the south, east and west The scenery goes on changing, but No matter where I go... Your smile is always there!

Nice Partner! Nice Rival! Protecting me Saving me Our road goes on through and ever expanding wasteland Hey Hey Hey!

Underneath the sky, let's high touch! Hey Hey Hey! We can understand that more easily than words! As long as we're together We can fly away, facing our dreams! Hey Hey Hey!

If it all goes well, let's high touch! Hey Hey Hey! If we're feeling down, we'll come right back! As long as we're together I will not give up so easily! GO GO GO! Hey Hey Hey!

It all went well, so let's high touch! Hey Hey Hey! Shake hands with our opponent in battle As long as we're together We can go even further than before! GO GO GO! GO GO GO! GO GO GO! ♪
