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Team Charm

Team Charm

Here Comes Team Charm! (Japanese: チャームズさんじょう!, HepburnHere Comes Charms!) is the fourth Special Episode in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky. It is unlocked after the player returns from the future. Lopunny is the main character and is joined by her teammates, Medicham, and Gardevoir.



The episode starts with a Graveler finding a treasure chest in an old set of ruins. As he is about to claim his treasure, a voice reveals that the treasure has already been claimed. The three statues surrounding the treasure chest are revealed to be the members of Team Charm in disguise. Team Charm is a team of treasure hunters made up of Lopunny, the leader, Medicham, the strength, and Gardevoir, the brains. Team Charm escape the ruins as they begin to collapse from a trap caused by taking the treasure and Graveler is forced to flee. Team Charm takes pride in their newest success and maintaining their 100% mission success rate and Lopunny declares that together, there is nothing Team Charm can't do.

The episode takes place before Team Charm became famous and during one of their treasure hunts. Team Charm arrives at Southern Jungle which will take them to Boulder Quarry, where a legendary treasure that is said to be too beautiful for words to express is supposedly hidden. A Bellossom approaches them, having overheard their conversation, and asks them to give up the search for the treasure because countless exploration groups have searched for it, only to fail. Bellossom admits that many of the local Pokémon don't even believe the treasure exists at all. However, Team Charm remains determined to find the treasure and they head out into the jungle,

When the team reaches the end of the jungle, they hear a strange noise and follow it to find an unconscious Pokémon. They quickly discover the noise is coming from the Pokémon's stomach and realize the Pokémon passed out from hunger. Gardevoir has Medicham give the Pokémon a Perfect Apple and the Pokémon awakens and devours it, regaining their energy. The Pokémon thanks the team and expresses their love for Perfect Apples. Lopunny shares another Perfect Apple with the Pokémon and Team Charm introduces themselves. The Pokémon introduces himself as Wigglytuff, the first apprentice to the explorer Armaldo. Team Charm suspects Wigglytuff is after the treasure of Boulder Quarry, but Wigglytuff admits he got lost after all his food was stolen during a walk through the area. Though put off by Wigglytuff's strange attitude, Team Charm goes on ahead to Boulder Quarry.

The Team reaches the entrance of Boulder Quarry where several explores are gathered. Lopunny asks the explorers about the status of the treasure, and the explorers reveal it hasn't been found yet. The quarry forms a natural labyrinth-like complex that gets difficult to navigate when the halfway point is passed and can lead to explorers returning to where they started. Suddenly, a new team arrives at the entrance, a team of thieves with a bad reputation called Team AWD that are made up of a Weavile, Drapion, and Arbok. The other explorers become scared with the arrival of Team AWD, except for Team Charm who doesn't know of them. The explorers explain that Team AWD is a villainous team that steals everything they can from Pokémon that come across them in dungeons. Drapion and Arbok threaten the explorers to leave or be attacked by them and everyone explorer except those of Team Charm flee in terror. The two notices Team Charm stuck around and suspect they want to team up with them out of admiration. However, Team Charm denounce their suspicions and declare they would never work with such a disrespectful team, and they are not afraid of them. The two teams prepare to battle, but Weavile calls off Drapion and Arbok and tell Team Charm they have become enemies of Team AWD, but Lopunny isn't afraid of this. Team AWD leaves for Boulder Quarry, promising to finish the fight next time they meet.

Medicham vows they won't let Team AWD get the treasure first, but before Team Charm can enter the Dungeon, they are stopped by a Sentret who was one of the gathered explorers. Sentret introduces himself, reveals he saw Team Charm fearlessly stand up to Team AWD and he has a request. Sentret asks Team Charm to punish Team AWD, because they attacked his exploration team in a dungeon, and his teammates were seriously injured and became too scared to go exploring again. Infuriated that Team AWD would do something so horrible Team Charm promises to deliver justice to Team AWD should they find them.

The team travels through Boulder Quarry and reaches a corridor where they suspect the confusing labyrinth had put them off course. Before they can keep moving, they are ambushed and surrounded by an Aggron and a pack of Lairon for trespassing in their territory. Team Charm explain they didn't mean to trespass or cause trouble for Aggron's gang, but they are attacked anyway. After defeating Aggron's gang, Team Charm enters deeper in the quarry and discover two tunnels and decide to check both for the treasure.

After checking both tunnels, Team Charm discovers they both lead back to their entrances. Gardevoir determines there is a puzzle to the labyrinth, but is stumped by what the answer is. Suddenly, a Perfect Apple roll in front of them and Wigglytuff, who dropped the Perfect Apple and followed it through Boulder Quarry, retrieves it. Team Charm explains their conundrum, but Wigglytuff seemingly only interested in his Perfect Apple. However, Wigglytuff reveals he is paying attention and theorizes that the paths that are visible may not be the only ones that are there. Suddenly, Wigglytuff fumbles his Perfect Apple, which falls through an illusionary wall and goes after it, inadvertently revealing a secret passage. Team Charm goes through the illusionary wall and discover a Limestone Cavern that leads deeper into the quarry.

When Team Charm reaches the end of the cavern, they find a massive treasure chest and open it, only to discover it's empty. Suddenly, Team AWD arrives and believe that Team Charm got to the treasure first,. Team Charm tries to explain the chest is empty, but Team AWD doesn't believe them and decides to take the supposed treasure by force. Angered by Team AWD accusations about being an underqualified exploration team and wanting to deliver justice for what they did to Sentret's team, Team Charm and Team AWD battle.

Even though Team Charm initially comes out on top, Team AWD refuses to give up. Before the two teams can battle again, Wigglytuff appears and intervenes. Weavile recognizes Wigglytuff as an explorer who, despite being young, has gained a reputation for being an exploration prodigy. Wigglytuff asks the two groups to stop fighting because they were set up into doing so by the boss of Limestone Cavern. Wigglytuff surmises that the boss wanted the two Teams to take each other out in order to protect the treasure, but he admits it's just a theory and goes over to the treasure chest and begins talking to it. The chest begins shaking and transforms into a Pokémon that Wigglytuff identifies as Ditto, a shapeshifting Pokémon. Wigglytuff realizes that Ditto was the one who stole his food and Ditto admits this, apologizes, and also reveals that he transformed into Bellosom to deter Team Charm, and into Sentret to turn them and Team AWD against each other. Ditto explains he did everything to protect the treasure of Boulder Quarry and takes everyone in the back of the cave.

There, they discover a glowing artifact that Weavile identifies as a Time Gear. Weavile is disappointed the treasure turned out to be a Time Gear, something not even they would steal, and everyone leaves for the quarry entrance. There, Weavile promises to finish their feud with Team Charm when they next meet and Team AWD departs. Medicham is disappointed that the treasure was something they couldn't take, but Lopunny declares the exploration a success due to their triumph over Team AWD and for making through a labyrinth no one else could get through before. Wigglytuff tells everyone he's leaving, but Team Charm, impressed by his skill in exploring, offer to let him explore with them. Wigglytuff is unsure, having never adventured with anyone other than Armaldo before, but Team Charm tempt him with another Perfect Apple. However, they refuse to give it to him unless he can keep up with them and the four go off to the next adventure.


  • Lopunny
  • Medicham
  • Gardevoir
  • Ditto (Bellossom) (Sentret)
  • Wigglytuff
  • Weavile
  • Arbok
  • Drapion
  • Aggron


  • The Time Gear found in Limestone Cavern is the same one seen in the title screen of Explorers of Sky and it is the second one Grovyle steals in the main story
  • Ditto's transformations can be spotted due to the expressions on the faces of the Pokémon he transforms into.