This Spearow is a Normal/ -type Pokémon owned by Goh.
Goh first encountered Spearow in his home town of Vermilion City in the Kanto Region while on his way to the Vermilion City Gym. He left Ash to go to the gym on his own and would meet him there when he was done catching Spearow. Goh's newly evolved Raboot ran ahead to chase after Spearow while Goh tried to catch up. When Goh finally made it to the gym, he revealed that he had successfully captured the Spearow.[1]
Known moves[]
None of Spearow's moves are known.
On hand | |
Recurring | |
At the Cerise Laboratory |
Traded away | |
Given away | |
Released | |
Temporarily | |
Status Unknown | |
Befriended | |
Goh |