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Pokémon Wiki

This Regieleki is an Electric-type Pokémon owned by Goh.


Regieleki resided in the Split-Decision Ruins alongside Regidrago; both Goh and Gary's task was to capture a Regi as part of their final trial in Project Mew. After stopping Shunya and Lyra from interfering, the two boys released the Regis, with Goh sending out Flygon to initially combat the Regi due to its immunity to electric attacks with its ground-typing.

While Regieleki initially fought Flygon, the two Regis quickly changed opponents, where it used Thunder Cage on Gary's Hatterene before resuming combat with Flygon, using Extreme Speed to incapacitate it, forcing Goh to call out his Cinderace. Working with Gary's Blastoise, the two Pokémon defeated the Regis, where Goh caught Regieleki with a Poké Ball.

Known moves[]
