This Pinsir is a Bug-type Pokémon owned by Goh.
Pinsir, unlike most members of her species, is an extremely shy, timid, and gentle Pokémon, often seen interacting with Goh's smaller Bug types like Caterpie and Weedle despite being much bigger than them. She is pacifistic. She doesn't typically enjoy fighting, and does not like conflict. If she does not wish to battle, Goh never pressures her against her will. She is also shown to be romantic, as she fell madly in love with Kricketina Kylie's Heracross. Goh also describes her as bashful. Pinsir prefers not to battle, as she always chooses not to whenever Goh asks her to. She often cowers when startled or afraid, and she loves picking flowers and tends to be playful with other Pokémon in the lab.
However, she has been shown to be aggressive in the past. When Ash and Goh presumably entered on her territory, she attacked them with Rock Tomb.
Pinsir was encountered at Vermilion Forest. She attacked Ash and Pikachu, trapping them in a ring of large stones. She then went after Goh, who threw random objects in an attempt to defend himself, eventually accidentally throwing a Poké Ball and catching her. Pinsir and the rest of the Kanto Bug-type Pokémon Goh caught were brought back to the Cerise Laboratory where Professor Cerise kept them in storage for Goh.[1]
Goh was originally planning to use Pinsir to battle at the Battle Frontier Flute Cup, but she refused, leading Goh to pick Scyther.[2]
Pinsir tried to calm some of stop Goh's Pokémon in attempt to stop them from arguing. She helped Goh's three Cascoon evolve safely.[3]
Goh later brought out Pinsir to help Kricketina Kylie and her male Heracross look for a Pinsir to capture, since Goh decided he didn't want to trade his own. Pinsir was originally uninterested in Kylie and her Heracross, however, she slowly became interested in Heracross after seeing his strength. When Team Rocket members Jessie and James attacked, they captured Ash, Kylie, Pikachu, Raboot, and Sobble, leaving just Pinsir, Goh, and Heracross. When Goh tried to get Pinsir to battle, she decided to hide behind a tree instead, so Goh teamed up with Heracross to battle them. When Jessie tried to steal Pinsir, Heracross protected her, and Pinsir's interest in Heracross became a full-blown crush. After Team Rocket was defeated, a wild Pinsir finally appeared, and since Kylie was tied up and couldn't capture it, so Goh caught it before it could get away. Afterward, Kylie asked Goh to trade his second Pinsir for her Heracross so that Heracross and Pinsir could be together. They went to the Pokémon Center and used a Trade Machine to make the trade official, and Heracross officially became one of Goh's Pokémon, which Pinsir was very excited about.[4]
When Goh caught a Lilligant, Heracross became attracted to her scent, causing Pinsir to grow depressed that she had lost his admiration to the Grass-type. Wanting to help Pinsir, Ash and Goh took her to the Celadon Gym, where Erika held a Pokémon Flower Arrangement. Goh decorated Pinsir with a flowery dress so she could impress Heracross. When Goh called out Heracross to see her, Team Rocket suddenly attacked. During the battle, Pinsir became very passionate, shielding her love Heracross from a Solar Beam, and then sending Team Rocket blasting off, gaining back Heracross's love and admiration.[5]
Later, when Goh's Heracross became briefly attracted to Goh's Alcremie's sweet smell, Pinsir grew very jealous and became frustrated with him.
Known moves[]
Move | Type | First used |
Rock Tomb | ![]() | PJ006: Working My Way Back to Mew! |
X-Scissor | ![]() | PJ094: Suffering the Flings and Arrows! |
- ^ "Suffering the Flings and Arrows!", she was in love with Goh's Heracross
On hand | |
Recurring | |
At the Cerise Laboratory |
Traded away | |
Given away | |
Released | |
Temporarily | |
Status Unknown | |
Befriended | |
Goh |