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Giant Volcano is one of the seven treasure dungeons in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Sky It has 20 floors and at the end of the dungeon the player must face Heatran. If Heatran is defeated, the Player is awarded a Fiery Drum and has a chance to recruit Heatran. The dungeons cannot be unlocked through normal means and can only be unlocked with Wonder Mail, Wifi-connection, or from a Pokémon in Spinda's Café in Explorers of Sky.

Giant Volcano is located on a volcano on the volcanic island on the northwest part of the Wonder Map.


Giant Volcano[]

Moltres only appears in Explorers of Sky.

Pokémon Floors Lv. Recruit rate
0390Chimchar MD Chimchar 1-7 5-6 8.2%
0077Ponyta MD Ponyta 1-8 17-18 8.2%
0255Torchic MD Torchic 1-8 5-6 8.2%
0322Numel MD Numel 1-9 14-15 6.4%
0004Charmander MD Charmander 1-10 5-7 8.2%
0058Growlithe MD Growlithe 1-10 16-18 8.2%
0155Cyndaquil MD Cyndaquil 1-10 5-7 8.2%
0218Slugma MD Slugma 1-10 15-17 8.2%
0005Charmeleon MD Charmeleon 1-19 43-46 -10%
0059Arcanine MD Arcanine 1-19 48-51 -12%
0078Rapidash MD Rapidash 1-19 48-51 -12%
0136Flareon MD Flareon 1-19 49-52 -12%
0156Quilava MD Quilava 1-19 48-51 -10%
0219Magcargo MD Magcargo 1-19 49-52 0.5%
0256Combusken MD Combusken 1-19 45-48 -10%
0323Camerupt MD Camerupt 1-19 46-49 -12%
0391Monferno MD Monferno 1-19 43-46 -10%
0146Moltres MD Moltres 10 44 30%*

*Only appears if there is a Secret Slab or Mystery Part in the bag

Giant Volcano Pit[]

Pokémon Floors Lv. Recruit rate
0485Heatran MD Heatran Peak 49 50%


  • Be wary of Camerupt. Having Earth Power he can be quite annoying to deal with especially in big rooms.
  • Sleep seeds do not work on Heatran since he is unable to be put to sleep. Try running a partner with a move like Thunder Wave.
  • Like the others Seven Treasure Dungeon, you cannot fight the boss if you have quests active.