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The Game Corner can be found in most regions. The games found here differ region to region.

Some include:

  • Slot Machines
  • Roulette
  • VOLTORB Flip

You can redeem coins earned in these games for prizes, you can even earn rare Pokémon, including Scyther, Eevee, Dratini and Porygon.

You also get a Coin Case to store your collected Coins.

Due to changes to PEGI rules in 2009, Game Corners are absent from Generation V and later, except in Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Pokémon: Let's Go, Eevee!, where it is necessary to access the Team Rocket HQ.


Celadon Game Corner (Japanese: タマムシゲームコーナー, HepburnTamamushii Geemu Koonaatrans. Tamamushi Game Corner) is a Game Corner located in Celadon City.

Two Islands[]

Joyful Game Corner (Japanese: たのしいゲームコーナー, HepburnTanoshii Geemu Koonaa) is a Game Corner located in Two Island, Sevii Islands.


Goldenrod Game Corner (Japanese: コガネゲームコーナー, HepburnKogane Geemu Koonaatrans. Kogane Game Corner) is a Game Corner located in Goldenrod City. Goldenrod Game Corner has the same games as Celadon Game Corner, but it has different prizes.


Mauville Game Corner (Japanese: キンセツゲームコーナー, HepburnKinsetsu Geemu Koonaatrans. Kinsetsu Game Corner) is a Game Corner located in Mauville City.

Mossdeep Game Corner (Japanese: トクサネシティゲームコーナー, HepburnTokusane Geemu Koonaatrans. Tokusane Game Corner) is a Game Corner located in Mossdeep City. In Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire, the Game Corner is permanently closed and cannot be accessed by the player.


Veilstone Game Corner (Japanese: トバリゲームコーナー, HepburnTobari Geemu Koonaatrans. Tobari Game Corner) is a Game Corner located in the Veilstone City. In Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl, the Game Corner is replaced by the Metronome Style Shop, a clothing store where the player can customize their style, though the music remains unchanged.

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