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A Fossil is an item that can be found in certain caves and dug up in the Underground. Fossils can then be resurrected into the Pokémon it's a Fossil of. Each Generation has its own set of Fossils consisting of at least two stage-two evolutionary families except Generations II, VII, and IX.

Name Image Pokémon Evolution Generation
Helix Fossil Helix Fossil 0138 Omanyte 0139 Omastar I
Dome Fossil Dome Fossil 0140 Kabuto 0141 Kabutops I
Old Amber Old Amber 0142 Aerodactyl None I
Root Fossil Root Fossil 0345 Lileep 0346 Cradily III
Claw Fossil Claw Fossil 0347 Anorith 0348 Armaldo III
Skull Fossil Skull Fossil 0408 Cranidos 0409 Rampardos IV
Armor Fossil Armor Fossil 0410 Shieldon 0411 Bastiodon IV
Cover Fossil Cover Fossil 0564 Tirtouga 0565 Carracosta V
Plume Fossil Plume Fossil 0566 Archen 0567 Archeops V
Jaw Fossil Jaw Fossil 0696 Tyrunt 0697 Tyrantrum VI
Sail Fossil Sail Fossil 0698 Amaura 0699 Aurorus VI
Fossilized Bird Fossilized Bird 0880 Dracozolt (with Fossilized Drake)
0881 Arctozolt (with Fossilized Dino)
Fossilized Fish Fossilized Fish 0882 Dracovish (with Fossilized Drake)
0883 Arctovish (with Fossilized Dino)
Fossilized Drake Fossilized Drake 0880 Dracozolt (with Fossilized Bird)
0882 Dracovish (with Fossilized Fish)
Fossilized Dino Fossilized Dino 0881 Arctozolt (with Fossilized Bird)
0883 Arctovish (with Fossilized Fish)


In order to resurrect the Fossil into a Pokémon, the player will need to visit a building, usually a museum.


  • Generation I and VIII are the only Generations to have more than two Fossils.
  • Generations II, VII, and IX are the only Generations without Fossils. In Gen II's case, this is likely due to the fact that Johto is geographically connected to Kanto and would likely have the same Fossils as Kanto, in Gen VII's case, it's likely due to the fact that Hawaii, Alola's inspiration, is relatively geologically young, and in Gen IX's case, it may be because of Paldea having Paradox Pokémon (ancestors or descendants of modern Pokémon) instead.
  • Cranidos and Rampardos are the only Fossils that are pure Rock type.
  • Tirtouga and Carracosta are the only Fossils with Rock as a secondary type.
  • Generation VIII's Fossils are the only Fossils that aren't part Rock type.