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Pokémon Wiki

Fortune Ravine is a Mystery Dungeon exclusive to the special episode, "Igglybuff the Prodigy" (to unlock this Special Episode, you must first encounter the Fogbound Lake event). Being in a Special Episode, it is only accessible in Explorers of Sky. Igglybuff and Armaldo travel to the ravine as a part of their explorations.


When Igglybuff and Armaldo reach the end of the dungeon, Armaldo inadvertently sets off a trap and the two fall into a pit that's a Monster House. After defeating all the enemies, the two exit to find a new set of ruins to explore. However, Nidoking followed by Officer Magnezone, and Igglybuff's parents and friends arrive and reveal Armaldo is actually an outlaw. Armaldo surrenders willingly and allows himself to be taken into custody, but Igglybuff, unwilling to lose his master and friend, reaches the verge of a tantrum and almost unleashes his special power. Armaldo manages to calm Igglybuff and gives him the Defend Globe they found on their very first exploration before saying goodbye and is taken away.


Fortune Ravine[]

Pokémon Floors Lv. Recruit rate
0066Machop MD Machop 1-3 8 Unrecruitable
0074Geodude MD Geodude 1-4 8 Unrecruitable
0234Stantler MD Stantler 1-4 15 Unrecruitable
0235Smeargle MD Smeargle 1-5 16 Unrecruitable
0263Zigzagoon MD Zigzagoon 1-3 16 Unrecruitable
0269Dustox MD Dustox 4-8 13-14 Unrecruitable
0043Oddish MD Oddish 3-5 13 Unrecruitable
0285Shroomish MD Shroomish 6-8 16 Unrecruitable
0063Abra MD Abra 6-8 14 Unrecruitable
0440Happiny MD Happiny 6-8 14 Unrecruitable

Fortune Ravine Depth[]

{{WildPokeMDMiddle|0274Nuzleaf MD|Nuzleaf|1-6|14-15|Unrecruitable} }
Pokémon Floors Lv. Recruit rate
0103Exeggutor MD Exeggutor 1-6 14-15 Unrecruitable
0182Bellossom MD Bellossom 1-4 11-12 Unrecruitable
0396Starly MD Starly 1-6 11-12 Unrecruitable
0204Pineco MD Pineco 1-6 14-15 Unrecruitable

Fortune Ravine Pit[]

Pokémon Floors Lv. Recruit rate
0295Exploud MD Exploud Pit 9 Unrecruitable
0323Camerupt MD Camerupt Pit 30 Unrecruitable
0344Claydol MD Claydol Pit 15 Unrecruitable
0416Vespiquen MD Vespiquen Pit 17 Unrecruitable
0469Yanmega MD Yanmega Pit 12 Unrecruitable
0476Probopass MD Probopass Pit 10 Unrecruitable


The weather in the Boss Battle changes each time it's fought.
