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Pokémon Wiki

Foongy is a grass/poison-type Pokémon owned by Whitley.


Foongy originally belonged to a young man. However, he never took him out of its Poké Ball as he didn't really want it; he only caught him because all of his friends owned one. After hearing a speech from Team Plasma, he decided to release the Foongus since he didn't know what to do with him before. Eventually, he made its way to Rood's group and became under the care of Team Plasma Grunts, including Whitley and her mother. However, they decided to go into hiding after Black defeated N. Anthea and Concordia decided to let Whitley have one Pokémon as a reward for caring for them, Whitley chose Foongus since she got along with him the best.

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Known moves[]
