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Pokémon Wiki
Pokémon Wiki

Flower Veil (Japanese: フラワーベール, HepburnFlower Veil) is an Ability exclusive to Fairy-type Pokémon, introduced in Generation VI. This ability was exclusive to the Flabébé evolution line before Generation VII and is exclusive to Comfey in Generation VIII. Four Pokémon have this ability.


The Pokémon (if it is Grass type) and it's Grass-type allies' stats cannot be lowered. They also cannot get status conditions.

Generation VI Prevents lowering of ally Grass-type Pokémon's stats.
Generation VII Ally Grass-type Pokémon are protected from status conditions and the lowering of their stats.
Generation VIII
Generation IX


PokémonTypeFirst AbilitySecond AbilityHidden Ability
0669Flabébé Pokémon HOMEFlabébéType Fairy HOME FairyFlower VeilSymbiosis
0670Floette Pokémon HOMEFloetteType Fairy HOME FairyFlower VeilSymbiosis
0671Florges Pokémon HOMEFlorgesType Fairy HOME FairyFlower VeilSymbiosis
0764Comfey Pokémon HOMEComfeyType Fairy HOME FairyFlower VeilTriageNatural Cure
