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The Final Maze is a hidden maze dungeon in Marowak Dojo. The dungeon was considered to be too dangerous by Marowak's grandfather, so he sealed it away. In the post-game, the wall concealing the dungeon collapses, allowing access to it. When the Marine Resort is found,Jirachi, Suicune, and Moltres can be found on floors B23F, B29F, and B40F, respectively in Explorers of Time and Darkness. After clearing the maze, Marowak will give the Player a Brown Bow as a reward.


JIrachi, Suicune, and Moltres appear in Time and Darkness only.

Pokémon Floors Lv. Recruit rate
0066Machop MD Machop B1-48 40, 45, 50 8.2%
0081Magnemite MD Magnemite B1-48 40, 45, 50 8.2%
0084Doduo MD Doduo B1-48 40, 45, 50 6.4%
0138Omanyte MD Omanyte B1-48 40, 45, 50 6.4%
0140Kabuto MD Kabuto B1-48 40, 45, 50 6.4%
0167Spinarak MD Spinarak B1-48 40, 45, 50 6.4%
0179Mareep MD Mareep B1-48 40, 45, 50 8.2%
0200Misdreavus MD Misdreavus B1-48 40, 45, 50 8.2%
0220Swinub MD Swinub B1-48 40, 45, 50 8.2%
0228Houndour MD Houndour B1-48 40, 45, 50 8.2%
0231Phanpy MD Phanpy B1-48 40, 45, 50 8.2%
0240Magby MD Magby B1-48 40, 45, 50 8.2%
0261Poochyena MD Poochyena B1-48 40, 45, 50 8.2%
0285Shroomish MD Shroomish B1-48 40, 45, 50 6.4%
0303Mawile MD Mawile B1-48 40, 45, 50 6.4%
0307Meditite MD Meditite B1-48 40, 45, 50 5.5%
0371Bagon MD Bagon B1-48 40, 45, 50 6.4%
0397Staravia MD Staravia B1-48 40, 45, 50 8.2%
0451Skorupi MD Skorupi B1-48 40, 45, 50 8.2%
0455Carnivine MD Carnivine B1-48 40, 45, 50 8.2%
0385Jirachi MD Jirachi B23 45 -12
0245Suicune MD Suicune B29 45 30%
0146Moltres MD Moltres B40 45 30%