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Pokémon Wiki

This Duskull is a ghost-type Pokémon owned by Fantina.


When Diamond and Pearl fell from a rock pillar in Celestic Town, Fantina sent Duskull to save them.[1] While Pearl was glad that Fantina's Duskull had saved them, he expressed his disappointment that Fantina took him, Diamond and Platinum in the opposite direction from Mt. Coronet.[2]

Fantina used her Duskull in her battle against Platinum and her Munchlax. Lax used Lick on Duskull and Duskull was knocked out by that attack.[3] After the Gym Battle, Fantina, Duskull and Mismagius bid farewell to Diamond, Pearl and Platinum, who went on her Drifblim to Canalave City.[4]

Fantina confronted Team Galactic commanders at the Spear Pillar. She sent Duskull and Mismagius, who teamed up with Roark's Onix and Rampardos, to battle Saturn's Pokémon.[5]

Known moves[]

None of Duskull's moves are known.

